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"How is he feeling?" Gilbert asked Francis the moment he got into the house.
" 'e 'as a bit of a cold, but zhat will clear up soon enough." Francis wrapped his arms around his friend's torso, hugging him.
"Can I go see him?"
"Oui. 'e is with Alfred, but 'e fell asleep again."
Gilbert let go of the blonde, walking with him to Birdie's room.
"Can I ask vhat Arthur was doing on hour couch?" Gil teased, poking at Francis's side.
"Well...we've decided to... 'e said..."
"I hope it vorks out for jou. Und if it does not, just come to me."
Francis smiled at Gil. "Merci, mon ami."
"Sup dudes!" Alfred cheered when the two entered Matthew's bedroom.
"Bonjour, Alfred." Francis sat on his brother's bed and started stroking the boy's hair.
"His glasses were cracked so I took them off for him." Alfred gestured to the eyewear folded up on the nightstand. Apparently, in Alfred's mind, cracked meant that one of the lenses was missing and the other one was scratched up badly. How had Gilbert not noticed that?
"It's okay. We 'ave an extra pair for 'im." Francis assured the American.
"Alfred? Is that you?" A tiny, muffled voice spoke up.
It was Mattie! He was awake!
"Yeah, dude, I'm here."
Matthew giggled. "I can't see you, by. Sorry."
"That's cuz your glasses are broke. Here, you can use mine."
"But your glasses are meant for near sighted people. They're not gonna do anything for me."
Alfred laughed loudly.
Gilbert stood in the corner. He wasn't sure where he was supposed to be in this situation, or if he was even welcome."
"Hey, Francis?"
"Oui, mon frère?"
"Is Gilbert coming?"
Gil's face lit up. His Birdie wanted to see him.
"I'm over here, Birdie." He started to wave, but lowered his hand when he realized Mattie couldn't see it.
He sat up, blinking in Gil's direction.
"I want to see you."
His words made Gil's heart bounce.
"I 'ave your spare glasses downstairs."
"I'll get them!" Alfred shouted, jumping off the bed. "I am the hero after all!"
Matthew pressed his hand to his mouth, giggling at his best friend as he stumbled and tripped to be helpful.
"Ask mozher were zhey are." Franci shouted after him.
A few minutes later Mattie was siting up with his glasses case on his lap and Alfred beaming up at him like a puppy returning a tossed stick.
"Merci, Alfred." He nodded. "And guys?"
"Yeah, bro?"
"Can I have a word with Gil...alone?"
Francis and Alfred glanced at each other before the former stood up. "Alright, Alfred. Let's go bozher zhat brozher of yours." He took Alfred's hand and drug him off before he could protest.
Gilbert bit his lip nervously. He was alone with Mattie for the first time since he got on that plane.
"So..." Gilbert decided to start.
"Gilbert, come here." the blonde patted the bed next to him.
"O-okay." Gilbert sat down obediently. "Vhat did jou vant to talk to me about?"
Birdie looked down at the case in his lap. His hands fumbled over the case, trying to find the side that opened.
"Here, let zhe awesome me help jou vith zhat."
Gil took the glasses out of the case and slid them onto Mattie's face. The boy blinked, adjusting his sight to the clear world again.
He smiled at the albino.
"Do you remember what you asked me before you got on the plane?" He started.
Gilbert nodded. "I kissed jou und zhen I asked vhat jou zhought."
"Je suis désolé, Gilbert. I'm sorry it took so long." Matthew pursed his lips.
"It's okay, Birdie. Zhe important zhing is zhat jour here und can tell zhe awesome me!"
"Dudes! We're leaving for dinner soon. Mattie has to get changed!" Alfred bursts into the room without knocking. He was probably used to having free reign of the house since he had been spending time there since he was five.
Matthew sighed. "Well, I guess we'll have to continue this some other time."
Gilbert nodded.
Gött. Would he ever get to hear how Mattie felt about him?
"I'll leave jou to get changed zhen."

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