Chapter 3 Meeting

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All characters belong to Colleen Houck. Enjoy this new chapter.

P.O.V. Kelsey

Neither of us move. His eyes are the only thing worth looking at. They seem to grab anyone's attention and draws them in close. I have to resist the urge to walk up to him. His mouth quirks up in a small smile. Of course though the teacher had to cut our starring contest short. "So Mr. Dyren tell us about yourself." Dyren looks away from my plain brown eyes to face the class. "Sure, let's see I play many different instruments including guitar and an Indian form of a guitar. I write and love poetry I also enjoy classic books including the famous Romeo and Juliet. I come from a long line of Royality that goes back more than 300 years ago. I have a brother who is about a year or so younger and I have a wonderful father and mother." "Very interesting Dyren." "Please you all may call me Ren, Dyren seems to formal." "Ok Ren then you may sit in that empty desk there." He points to the chair to the right of me. That means I get to talk to him, but he probably won't care for a girl like me. For peats sake he could get a store model if he wanted to. Oh well this seems like an interesting year.

P.O.V. Ren Before school started

"Kishan I hope you have a good time at middle school," I say. "Shut up Ren I'm only 8th grade don't make it seem like I'm just starting." "Awwww is wittle Kishan a wittle upset." Kishan stares daggers at me. I chuckle and head to school. Surprisingly it's a five minute walk from my house. I arrive in record time and scan the scene before me. People running and laughing. India was never like this. The kids were respectful and got to class silent and ready to learn. These people seem relaxed and "cool". Starring at the groups of people I notice one thing. This beautiful girl is walking towards the building. She has brown hair that ends in waves that are half way down her back. She looks over her shoulder for a quick second and I notice her brown eyes. Some might think they are simple but it's the way her eyes observe everything. They are captivating.

I head to the office so I can get my schedule and other things high schoolers might need. My schedule is

1. Honors geometry

2. Music

3. Honors English

4. Homeroom

5. Lunch

6. World history

7. Physics

8. Gym/health

9. Art

Sounds like a great time. Since lunch is already over I head to world history. The bell has already rung so I know the attention will be on me. I mean it usually is since I'm from India and it shows. I open the door and walk in and I'm met with the captivating brown eyes.

Time lapse: After class

P.O.V. Kelsey

I can't believe that just happened sometimes I sensed him looking at him but I ignored him. Not that I didn't want to but I was trying not to distract myself. I mean how could you not with his golden tan skin and beautiful cobalt eyes. Through his white shirt you can tell he is very muscular. I mean like model type of muscles. Let's see if I could get through the day without being distracted. Turns out my luck is bad.

Hey guys hope you liked this chapter. Don't worry they shall be together soon. And please comment if I should do different point of views or keep it as Kelsey's.
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