Chapter 5 Home

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New update sorry for taking so long. All rights reserved to Colleen Houck.


That was a weird first day of school. Oh well it's not like he would date me. He would most likely date one of the popular bikini ready body girls. If you couldn't already guess I'm not like that. I'm that art and poetry freak sitting outside of the circle, but geez he was handsome.  The walk home takes about 5 to 6 minutes. I finally walk in the door and get a whiff of something no human should ever smell. Casserole. Sarah makes the worst of dinners because she is all healthy and stuff. "Is that you Kelsey," Sarah calls. "Yeah," I yell back. "Can you come help set the table. As soon as Mike gets home we are eating." "Ok." I grab five plates with all the glasses and silverware. After I finish Mike walks in right on cue. "Hey everyone," he calls. He walks over and hugs Sarah from behind and gives her a quick kiss on the cheek. I smile just a little bit. I hope one day that I will meet someone who will hold me and show affection for no reasons at all. We all sit and enjoy our family dinner. Once we finish I clean the dishes while Mike gets the little ones ready for bed. Sarah decides to read a book. We are such a peaceful family though we have rough spots. I couldn't be happier.

P.O.V. Ren

I watch her walk home. She must live close to be able to walk home. My "uncle" is picking me up soon. He is not technically my uncle. He worked with my father for many years until he died and a few days later my mother passed from grief, so he took us into his hands. Instead of calling him dad or Mr. Kadam, he tells us to call him Uncle Kadam. Finally his car pulls up. I hop in and we drive off. Her eyes are pierced forever into my brain. They may seem plain to everyone else but to me, they are captivating. She looks like everything around her is beautiful and important. She is just so beautiful. I can't wait for tomorrow to see her again.

Sorry for the short and horrible chapter. I was trying to get the story to move along but at the same time explain a few things. Also sorry for not updating I was just reading a lot so I never got around. Please give me feed back
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Next chapter shall come :D stay awesome

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