Chapter 9 The Date

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Hello all, sorry that it took so long but things got really busy. I hope you enjoy this chapter. Make sure that you leave some comments for any ideas you may have.

P.O.V. Kelsey (before the date)

I have two hours before the date. I have no clue what to wear. He wanted to do something fun and casual but he won't tell me what it is. I decide to play it safe by dressing in jeans, boots, a blouse with a scarf, and I slightly curled my hair. I apply some light makeup and look in the mirror. I seem presentable. I grab my phone and wallet right when the door bell rings. I run downstairs to see Lu. He looks very nice with a light blue polo shirt and khaki pants. His hair is styled so it spikes up a little. He has the biggest, brightest smile on his face.
"Are you ready to go," he says as he offers his arm. I laugh and grab his arm and close the door. We begin to walk and talk. He tells me some more about his family and the dojo. He really loves it. We walk until we reach a nice restaurant. We go inside and have a nice dinner. We talk some more and I believe Im actually starting to like him. I cant stop smiling. I also cant stop this weird feeling like Im being watched.

After dinner he takes my hand this time and we walk down the street. It is his dojo. We walk inside and I see two chairs set up and a projector pointed towards the wall. I smile when i realize he set up our own movie theater. We walk over and he grabs a handful of movies.
"I don't know which movie you would like so I grabbed a few to pick from," he hands over the movies. I look at the movies and decide on a romantic comedy. He puts it in and we sit in our chairs. The entire time he holds my hand. I still cant stop smiling. When the movie ends we stand up and start our trek home. We chat some more and then lapse into a comfortable silence. Finally we get to our house. At the door I turn to say goodnight when i see he is standing closly. He leans in slowly and my breath hitches. I guess he noticed my uneasiness because he turns and kisses my forehead instead.
"Goodnight Kelsey," he says walking away. Im shocked a little and step instead. I slide down the door with a smile.

Sorry for the lateness and short chapter. I was trying to put something out there. The next chapter will have some drama, maybe a fight even. And whatwas causing the uneasiness for Kelsey?!?!?! Ooooooo youll have to wait and see. Again thanks for the support guys and remember suggestions are helpful.

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