Chapter 7 Lu

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Hello people!!! Guess who is still alive. I want to thank all of you for the support. I'm sorry I haven't continued but Ill keep to my word and Ill continue the story. Again all rights go out to Colleen Houck.

P.O.V Kelsey

Lu.... He looks so familiar but I can't place where I've seen him before.
"Well hi Lu, have we met before," I ask.
He laughs a little at that. "Not at all, though I do believe you have met my twin brother Li."
That makes sense why he looks familiar. "Of course, yeah we had lunch yesterday. He never mentioned a twin brother. Though why weren't you here yesterday."
"Well our studio needed some repairs so I stopped yesterday to help around while Li came to school."
Now it makes even more sense. He proceeds to sit down in the chair to the right of mine when I see Ren walk in. His face shows now emotion but I believe I see a cloud rolling across his eyes. He looks almost dangerous like a wild beast(haha see what I did there). He quietly goes and sits in the seat to my left. He doesn't say anything, he just pulls out a book and reads. Though his eyes stare at one word. Lu draws my attention back to me when he starts asking me questions. Questions all about my life. I ask him some in return but it's hard when you've already spoken to his twin brother. At each smile and laugh that I make I see Ren's jaw twitch. His face masking what he truly feels. All to soon the bell rings for class to start. Did I already say that I hate geometry, because I do. Through out the class Lu would whisper funny comments that forced me to stifle my giggles. Then I would see Ren's eyes go darker. Finally the bell rings for class to end. I grab my books and go to leave when I hear,
"Wait... can I walk you to your class." I turn around to see Lu grabbing his stuff.
"Sure, I don't mind" Then I see Ren storm out the door.

I don't understand why I'm so angry. I barely know her and yet I feel like it's my job to protect her. I have this strong pull towards her. Well obviously it's a one sided tug of war. I continue to stop down the hall until I find a small nook to hide. I wait for a few seconds when I see them walking past. He's talking about something that makes her laugh and give that brilliant smile. A flash of jealousy runs through me. I fight the urge to tackle him to the ground. I close my eyes and take a few deep breaths. When I open them I see a girl in front of me. She looks like a Barbie doll.
Man this girl is loud and annoying but my parents taught me manners. I smile and give a quick bow.
"That is right madam. I'm Ren and it's a pleasure to meet you."
She screeches louder and talks so fast I can barely understand her. I look around to find help when I see those deep brown eyes turn away.

After I escaped the clutches of the Barbie I had to my next class. Turns out brown eyes are in here as well. No sign of that punk though. I sit down behind her and take out my supplies for the class. The teacher starts to hand out papers and when I lean forward to take the papers I get a whiff of something. I take a deeper sniff and finally I got it. Peaches and cream.

P.O.V. KELSEY after class and before lunch

I head out the door to go to the lunch room. When I step into the hallway I see Lu leaving against the wall, waiting.
"Hey Kelsey. Can I walk with you to lunch?" I miss and start walking. I can't get my mind off of Ren and the blonde. I don't know why it hurt so much. I barely know the guy and yet he did exactly what I thought. Go for the blonde and beautiful. I'll just have to except my fate. There are plenty of good guys. I mean there's Lu or Li but that might be awkward choosing one reason over the other. We get to the cafeteria and we see Li and his friends. We both walk that way, say our greetings, and sit down. Lu and Li immediate go at each other while their friends listen. I barely pay attention and I start to doze off. Then Ren walks in. He looks around and sees me looking at him. He turns away and grabs some good then he starts to leave the room. There's always a few moments in life when you have to make a split second choice that could change your life. So I did. I got up and took off after him.

Guys I did a semi long one for you guys to keep my promise. I hope you like it and I love that my writing has gotten a little better due to a great English teacher. So make sure you vote, like, comment, or whatever else. Have a great day and thanks for all of the support. I hope this satisfies things for now. Next chapter coming soon. :D peace out!!!

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