Chapter 19

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Rachael's P.O.V.

I let the cool pacific breeze waft through my hair as I stood on the pier.

I took a deep breath. This is the life.

"Mm. " Nico sighed "now what?"

"I'm good with staying here all day." Susan laughed.

"Well, if Susan's here, I'm here. " Peter softly whispered.

She gave him a small kiss.

Ever since he won her heart, this quest has been unbearable.

Every single time I see them give any sort of affection towards each other, I think of Connor and how much my heart aches for his embrace.

It began to rain, the drops of water splashing my face, hiding the tears that races down my cheeks.


I collapsed onto the hotels soft white bed, smudging my face into the pillows.

Today has been especially hard; there are so many happy couples in Seattle.

I groaned, turning onto my back.

"Hey. " I heard a husky voice.

"Hi." I squeaked out, trying to hide the evidence of my sadness.

"I'm going to shower...." Connor trailed off.

"Okay. "I mumbled.

I heard his sigh before he slammed the bathroom door.

I got up. I wasn't about to do nothing. I'm going swimming, in the ocean.

I rummaged around my bag. finding some money, I put my shoes on and left a note.


I payed the lady at the checkout, she smiled at me.

I made my way to the beach, the sun was setting.

I went into the restrooms and changed into the black bikini.

I made my way down the beach, setting my stuff on the grey sand, before stepping into the cool water.

As I swam, I thought about the sirens.

What did they want?

I was about 15 feet away from shore when the whispers started.

Save us.

Save us.



Rachael, save us. come to us. save us.

My head whipped around frantically. I saw her.

She was as pale as the moon, her eyes big and blue as the seas. Her wet, blonde hair floated aimlessly, and her purple scales shined with the setting sun. Her webbed fingers and skin were tainted green, and her nails long and ever changing colors. Her thin lips were trembling like the waves.

"Please help me." her soft, melodic voice broke through my mind.

"How, who?" I slurred dryly.

She blinked, so slowly.

"I need your help." she cooed.

"No, you want to eat me." I remembered, halfway.

"No," she looked confused. "I want your help. We are dying."

"Who?" I asked stupidly.

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