Caught In The Act

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(A/N: Written From Chris' point of view)

The crowd, the cheering, the heat, the sound. I held the mic up in the air as we finished our set. The adrenaline coursed violently through my veins making me shiver. No. That wasn't the adrenaline.
It had been a few hours since I had last shot up, and withdraw was already kicking in. Heroin was a cruel mistress, and I was her complete bitch. I was supposed to be straight edge. I was supposed to stay away from alcohol, drugs, and anything that was unhealthy. Yet here I was, my body craving the need to get high.

"Hey, Chris! We're gonna go to Buffalo Wild Wings, wanna come?" Devin questioned, a smile on his face as if he already knew the answer.

", man. I'm not hungry. You guys go ahead." I replied, scratching my other arm and clearing my throat. Ricky raised an eyebrow, but didn't question it.

"Are you sure?" Balz asked as we got back to the bus, I laughed quietly.

"Yeah. I'm not hungry, go ahead. I'm going to shower." I lied, going into the bathroom and waiting until I heard them walk out.
"Thank god." I sighed, walking into the bunks. I turned the light on and walked to my bunk, grabbing a small black bag that sat next to my pillow. I reached in and pulled out a needle and heroine. I tied a bandana around the higher portion of my left arm, filling the need with the liquid. I knew this was wrong. I need to stop. Put the needle down. Goddammit!

I ignored the voices screaming in my head, and held my arm out as I tightened my hand into a fist. My muscles flexed as I pushed the needle into the bend of my arm. I leaned my head back, it didn't even hurt. I had gotten so used to feeling of metal in my flesh, it actually felt good.
I began injecting the liquid into me, moaning softly as the high almost instantly began.

(A/N: Written From Ricky's Point of View)

"I'm going to stay behind. I'm not in the mood for wings." I waved bye to the guys and leaned against the outside of the bus, smoking a cigarette. Afterwards I quietly got back in the trailer. Wasn't Chris going to take a shower? Why was the shower not running? There's no way he showered that fast.

I tip toed silently towards the bunks, opening the door. Chris was laughing untrollably, his voice sounded weird though. I opened the door a bit more and my eyes widened. Chris was laying back on his bunk, an empty needle sticking out of his arm.

"C-Chris?!" I shouted, running over. Drool was oozing from his mouth as he looked over at me, laughing.

"Hey Ricky. God. You're so cute." He grinned cheesily, laughing some more.

"Chris, was this filled with heroine?" I questioned, pulling the needle out of the bend of his elbow. He didn't even flinch.

"Well...duhh. What else would it be? Silly." He replied, rolling his eyes.

"I thought you didn't do these things! You speak against it, why do it?" I whined, Chris sat up and leaned against me.

"Weeell, it seems I have become something of a hypocrite." He whimpered, tears running down his face. Why did he start crying?

"What's wrong?" I asked, looking into his eyes.

"Look at me Ricky! I'm so awful. I'd be better off dead!" Chris cried, sobbing into my shoulder. I sighed and inhaled his cologne. He always smelled SO incredible. Usually I'd be ecstatic to have Chris all over me, but I want him to show me affection when he's in his right mind.
I've had a crush on Chris for the longest time, but I'd never confess to him. Rejection scared me to bad.

"Chris, shut up," I looked him in the eyes, holding his face in my hands. His chocolatey eyes were wide and rimmed with tears, "You are better off ALIVE, not dead. If you were dead, I'd die. You're so talented, just caught up in the wrong thing. Do the guys know, or am I the only one?" I took the black bag, and sat it in my lap.

"You''re the only one. No one, absolutely NO ONE knows." Chris looked down and heb back at me.
"You can't tell anyone either!" He grabbed my shoulders, his moods were switching violently. I wanted normal Chris back.

"I won't. We'll fix this together, I'll help you whether you like it or not. You can't scare me off either." I hugged him, glad he still saw this all as a friendly gesture.

"You mean it?"

"I mean it. Now how often do you shoot up?" I asked, looking through the bag. I frowned as I saw a stained razor blade. Depression must be a big problem for him when he's high. I looked at him, his arms were clear of any marks. He must have cuts on his legs.

"Three or four times..." Chris itched at his arms, biting his lip.

"Well, now you're only going to use it once a day. Eventually we'll wean you down to only using twice a week." I forced a smile, standing up, still holding the bag.

"But the withdr-" I cut him off by holding up my hand.

"I don't want to hear it. You have to come to me when you need your drugs, that way I can monitor you. You're also not allowed out of my sight...I don't want you hurting yourself anymore." I looked at the taller man, he stood and wrapped me in a hug.

"I love you, Ricky." He sighed. I blushed even though I knew he didn't mean it romantically....right?

"I-I love you too, Chris." I stuttered nervously. He walked out and went to the bathroom. I heard the shower turn on and took the time to hide the bag. I hid it in my pillowcase, hoping that Chris wouldn't even try to search for it.

The guys came back a few minutes afterwards, Devin was arguing about what movie to watch with Balz. I rolled my eyes and grabbed a Monster from the fridge, sitting on the couch and hanging out. I tried to go on normally, but it was hard since I knew my best friend/romantic interest was on drugs.

Half an hour later Chris had gotten out of the shower, only a towel wrapped around his waist as he got a Naked juice from the fridge. I swallowed hard, eager to know what was under the towel. He went back to the bunks to change.

"Ricky, are you okay?" Devin was shaking my shoulder. I jumped lightly and blushed, biting my lip.

"Y-Yeah. I'm good." I laughed.

"I saw how you were staring at Chris. Spill it." Balz whispered, looking at me, then Devin.

"I was not staring at him. He was just in my line of vision..." I looked at the ground. I could practically hear Devin roll his eyes. Bastard.

"Sure. I'm sure when you moan his name softly in your sleep is just an accident too, right?" He grinned, Balz crossed his arms triumphantly.

"I moan his name in my sleep?!" I whisper yelled. Has he heard me do it?

"You have to be right next to you to hear it. I heard you when searching to see if you had stollen one of my shirts." Devin explained, trying to make it not sound weird.

"Well, looks I'm screwed. So I guess I should probably tell you guys that I...umm...I like Chris...a lot."

"Knew it." Devin and Balz exclaimed simultaneously. I blushed and they instantly went silent as Chris came out. He was wearing Marilyn Manson pajama pants that hung low enough to view his V-line, and he was shirtless. He obviously was no longer high. I swallowed the lump in my throat and quickly looked away as a blush creeped onto my face.
Now I just had to hope that the guys would shut up.

(A/N: How'd you like it? Its my first Cricky/Motionless In White FanFic so it kinda sucks. Lol)

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