Ricky's Turn

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(Written From Ricky's Point of View)

Chris was alive, and he was AWAKE. My heart thudded in my chest as I quickly moved about my apartment to get ready. I straightened my hair, and put on my makeup. I looked down and realized I still needed a shirt.
I'm so skinny. Jesus Christ I need to eat. My ribs were vaguely visible. All the stress and worry had ruined my appetite, not to mention had made me start self harming. I looked down at my wrists, thick mangled cuts covered them.

I can't let Chris see them.

I put on a black long sleeve shirt, then a big hoodie to hide my weight loss. One last look in the mirror. My eye makeup looked nice, skinny jeans were clean, my hair was straight and not frizzy. Perfect.
I had already called Devin to tell him that I would meet them at the house, we were going to have a sleepover. I grabbed a pack of cigarettes and ran down the stairs and out of the apartment building. Of course its fucking pouring rain.
I hopped in my car and started driving, paranoia was setting in since I could barely see through the quarter sized rain drops that were pelting my windshield. My phone began ringing, the familiar sound of 'City Lights' breaking the silence of the car.

That's my ringtone for Chris.

"Hello?" I rested the phone between my ear and my shoulder.

"Hey, how long until you get here? You know how impatient I am!" Chris whined, making me blush. Its true, Chris was the most impatient person that I know.

"Only like ten minutes. Calm your man tits." I giggled, so relieved to hear his voice.

"Alright, babe," He chuckled, his laugh was like smooth velvet. I just wanted to melt, "I'll see you soon." He hung up and I kept driving, turning onto the street that Devin's house was on.

(Written from Chris' Point of View)

I sat my phone down, smiling at Balz who was kicking Ryan's ass on Call of Duty.

"The pizza will be here in half an hour!" Devin exclaimed, plopping down on the couch and wrapping me in a hug.
"Goddamn! Its so great to have you back!" He squeezed me in his arms lightly.

"I seriously could kiss you right now!" Balz shouted, glancing briefly at me which gave Ryan the chance to shoot him. Ryan howled triumphantly, now he was in the lead.

"Hey, back off! He's Ricky's!" Devin teased, releasing me from his lung popping hug.

Knock! Knock!

The door opened.

"Honey, I'm home!" Ricky's voice called. I stood up and ran, stopping three feet in front of Ricky. He gasped and covered his mouth, his wide smile reached his eyes that were now tearing up.

"Ricky..." I whispered, smiling softly. I wrapped him in a hug, kissing the top of his head.

"Chris, its you. Its really you, not a dream." Ricky was sniffling, tears of joy running down his cheeks.

"Its me, Ricky. I've got you now, and I will never leave you again." I took his chin inbetween my thumb and pointer finger, tilting his face up so he was looking at me.

"Y-you promise?" He choked out, his makeup running down his face. I used my other hand and brushed the tears away, then touched our lips together. Ricky wrapped his arms around the back of my neck, and I hugged his waist against me. Our kiss deepening with lust, and burning with passion. After maybe thirty seconds we pulled away, our foreheads still touching.

"I promise." I whispered, kissing him briefly on the lips one more time. I could feel his body heat, smell his cologne and the scent of his hair, the cold of his piercings against my lips. It was all so addicting, just like heroin. Ricky was going to be my new addiction, and I was hoping that I'd be his.

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