Jekyll and Hyde

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(Devin's Point of View)

  I was sitting up in my bunk reading a book as Ricky came out of the shower, I guess he didn't realize I was in there. He closed the door behind him and locked it, sniffling a bit and tossing his dirty clothes into a hamper we had and tossing his wallet and a small bag onto his bunk. Ricky glanced up and saw me. His pupils were dialated and his nose was slowly running, causing him to sniffle more.

  "D-Devin, I uhm...I didn't know you were in here." He stammered as he itched at his arms nervously, holding the towel around his waist.

  "I didn't know you were on drugs." I retorted, hopping out of my bunk and looking Ricky in the eyes. He quickly avoided eye contact.

  "I...erm...I'm not on d-drugs," Ricky looked into my eyes briefly then looked away again, sniffling more, "Why would you...why would you say that?" He shifted his weight on his feet.

  "Well, its pretty obvious," I paused and grabbed the bag off of his bed, it had with what I assumed to be cocaine in it, "You also tossed this onto your bed."

  "That's not mine." He quickly denied, reaching for his phone as he got a text.

  "Bullshit." I scoffed.

  "Baby, come here! We're watching Sweeney Todd!" Balz called for me.

  "Alright!" I replied then looked at Ricky.
  "We'll continue this conversation later." I whispered, shoving the plastic bag into Ricky's arms, he grabbed it which caused him to drop his towel. Instantly he dropped to his knees to desperately cover himself as I walked out.

  (Ricky's Point of View)

Shit. Devin caught me, he knows I have cocaine AND that I'm using it.

  I groaned as I started to get a headache from the thought of Devin tellinf Chris, taking out a hardcover book and straightening two lines of cocaine. I snorted them, my fading high started coming back with more force. I exhaled through my mouth, sinking down to the floor as I closed my eyes.

  God...its been so long since I've had some nice, filthy, hard sex...

  I laid my head back against the bunk, shoving the now empty bag of cocaine under my pillow.

  "Hey, Chris! Come here!" I shouted, turning the lights off, but turning my small bunk light on. I was still completely naked from my shower. Chris shuffled into the room, I made my way over to him, kissing him deeply on the lips. I closed and locked the door behind him.

  "Ricky, I really am not in the-"

  "Chris, shut up and fuck me." I moaned, thankful that he couldn't see my dialated pupils.
  "I'm not in the mood." Chris snapped, pulling back from my advances. Anger boiled in my chest, and mixed with the self confidence that came with the drug...I could no longer hold my tongue.

  "How long is this going to go on, Chris? You can't stay hung up on someone forever! Eventually you have to move past it and stop this bullshit!" I took a breath, unable to stop myself from my angry outbursts.
  "Its like you don't even love me! You won't fucking touch me and you're always 'not in the mood'. We can't go on like this, what happened to the old Chris?" I looked into the eyes of my lover.

  "Fuck you, Ricky. Fuck you." Chris turned around and walked out of the room, tears streaming down him face. My heart was pounding loudly in my chest and I sank down to the floor again as I realized what I had just said.

I think we just broke up.

(Really short chapter. Sorry.)

Broken Edge (Cricky)Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin