Time Flies While Dreaming

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(Written from Chris' Point of View)

Black. Everything is so...black. Where am I? What is this? I'm so..cold.

"....shock'em!" A man's voice yelled, the beeping of machines was ringing in my ears. Shock'em? Where the fuck am I? What the hell? I can't see anything...what happened? I overdosed didn't I?


Where the fuck is Ricky? Is he okay? Oh god I hope he's okay. He's probably so disappointed. Shit. I really fucked up this time.

"...clear!" I felt electricity run through my body. Why didn't that hurt? Why can't I move? Am I dead? There's no way I'm dead...I can still hear everything. If I were dead then this black endlessness would have no sound.

"...there's a heartbeat!" A woman cried somewhere, to my...left? Yeah. Its my left. Wait, I just now got a heartbeat? Holy shit. I fucking died. I guess I became aware when I got a heartbeat. Oh god, poor Ricky. He's probably panicked. Well, I'll wake up soon. Right?

"Why isn't he waking up, doctor? If he's alive...shouldn't he be awake?" The woman spoke again, it was clearer this time. Nothing sounded far away and groggy anymore.

"I believe he's in a comatose state." The man replied and I heard things being moved around. Coma? I'm in a fucking coma? No. No. I need to wake up, Ricky needs me. I need Ricky. I need to wake up right now.

"I understand. Get the techs in here, we have to move him to a patients room. Clear it out, come on!" The woman demanded, I heard feet shuffling. Am I moving now? Yeah I must be on a gurney. I wonder if my eyebrows are smeared...priorities right?

"Alright Mr. Cerulli, I don't know if you can even hear me, but Nurse Rowlings will be your first round nurse and Nurse Tillens will be his relief for second rounds." Someone spoke then walked out.

Wow. I'm really tired. Are they drugging me? Sleep took hold of me not soon after.

~"Chris! Stop tickling me!" Ricky giggled beneath me, fidgeting around as he tried to get out of my grip. We were laying on a king sized bed with black sheets and red throw pillows.

"Only if you kiss me!" I chuckled, pausing momentarily and looking into Ricky's gorgeous eyes. He blushed, the light glistening off of the wedding ring on his finger.

"Is that all you wanted? You're such a dork." Ricky smiled, pecking me on the lips. I smirked and kissed him deeply on the lips, biting his lip ring and gently tugging.

"I love you, Richard."

"Its Ricky! Don't call me Richard!" He whined, flipping us over so he was on top.
"By the way, I love you too Mr. Motionless." He giggled and we laid next to each other on the bed, Ricky's head rested against my chest. The warmth of his body was so comforting, and his hair smelled fantastic. I knew this was a dream, but I may as well enjoy it since it seemed I would be here a while.~

(Written From Ricky's Point of View)

I ran and fell against the service desk, I was heaving and trying to catch my breath.

"Sir, are you okay?" The woman stood from her seat, fixing her glasses on her face.

"Cerulli, Chris Cerulli. What room is he in? What's his status? Tell me!" I demanded, coughing into the bend of my elbow.

"Room D32. Just go down this hallway a bit more and turn left. He should be down there. I don't know if he can have visitors right now though." The woman looked at the computer screen. I started crying.

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