Endless Agony

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(Chris' Point of View)

I walked onstage, trying to make it not obvious that I was limping. It was completely obvious though, and Ricky smirked at me. Proud of his work, I guess. We started playing, and I instantly got lost in the singing and the loud music. Nothing could compare to the calming feeling of being onstage, you truly get to brush off all the stresses of life.

The set went by so fast, I swear we had finished right after we started. I guess that's what happens when you're truly enjoying something though. I found out right before we went onstage that today was our last day of tour, we'd be back home by tomorrow.

"Chris, come on! We have to get our stuff from the hotel then get back on the bus to head home!" Ricky chirped as he handed his guitar to one a guy who went to put it away.

"Well, someone's in a hurry." I teased, following Ricky as we headed back to the hotel.

"I haven't seen Dexter in forever! I'm excited!" Ricky exclaimed. Only he would get this excited over seeing a pet.

"You and that cat." I chuckled as we got up to our room, opening the door. Room service had already come by and cleaned everything up. All we had to do was pack our clothes, which wasn't very difficult. Afterwards we all met up back on the bus and began our drive back to Scranton.

(Ricky's Point of View)

I leaned against the counter as I searched for painkillers, my entire body was aching. Fucking withdrawal sucks, and the pain doesn't go away until I do something that satisfies it.
Dammit. I can't find any pain medicine.

I went into the bathroom and locked the door, feeling my pockets for anything. I pulled out my lighter and looked at it. Could I get release from hurting myself? Could this solve my withdrawal problem?
Curious to test my theory I took my shirt off, knowing Chris wouldn't check for self-inflicted injuries on my sides. I clicked my thumb over the lighter, the small flame flickering. I held it near the flesh that covered my ribcage, basically outlining one of my ribs with a pinkish burn. The withdrawal faded for a moment, but came back.

I need more.

I retraced the burn mark, this time holding the flame in place for longer. Smoke rose from the freshly formed 2nd degree burn on my rib. Blood oozed from one area where the flame had remained a bit longer than the others, and blisters were forming along the rest of the burn. I smiled to myself as the withdrawal faded away, and then my eyes widened.

How angry would this make Chris? I mean...it keeps me from wanting to use drugs so it can't be THAT bad, right?

(Chris' Point of View)

Ricky went into the bathroom and I had somehow managed to fall asleep in my bunk, even though I wasn't originally tired. My eyes fluttered open as I felt Ricky slip into my bunk, and cuddle up to me. I wrapped my arm around him, and he seemed to whimper when my arm touched his side. Maybe I just imagined it though.

"You smell good." I grinned, kissing Ricky's neck and nibbling on the soft flesh.
"I bet you taste even better." I snickered and began running my hand up Ricky's shirt, I was about to touch his ribcage when he grabbed my hand and pulled it away.

"Not right now, Chris. I'm tired." Ricky turned his back to me and pulled the blanket over himself.

"Why not?" I persisted, running a hand along his thigh under the covers.

"Because I said no!" Ricky snapped, smacking my hand away. I sighed and turned my back to him.

(Ricky's Point of View)

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