Chapter 6. The Battle

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Stoick's POV.
I had heard that there's a island about half a day away from here. Trader Johnan had told me about it in one of his stories. I guess that a chatter box is helpful sometimes.
"The island is about and hour away Stoick!" Gobber hobbled over and pointed ahead. I nodded.
"Tell everyone to arm themselves with a weapon and get ready for battle."
"Aye Stoick."
Hiccup's POV.
I had got up way before Astrid to go and feed Toothless. We then went for a fly around the island. I spotted a pretty female blue and yellow Deadly Nadder and tamed it for Astrid. When we arrived back home she was exploring the stables.
"And what are you doing?" I wrapped my hands around her waist and kissed her forehead. She tensed up at first and relaxed.
"I was just exploring. You?"
"Just got you a present. Close your eyes." I smirked and watched her close her eyes. I then guided her to the Deadly Nadder.
"And open!" She gasped and then hugged me.
"She's so beautiful! What's her name?" She rubbed the Nadder and fed it a fish.
"She has no name." I replied walking next to her.
"I'll call her Stormfly then."
"Want to fly her?"
I walked to the forge and then came back with a saddle. I strapped it to Stormfly and helped Astrid on. She seriously couldn't wipe the smile off her face. I mounted Toothless and we took off into the sky Stormfly followed, carrying a very happy Astrid. Toothless and Stormfly did flips and dives before gliding over the sea. But as always, peace doesn't last.

"Shoot those dragons down!!"
"Astrid lookout!" I yelled to her as toothless dodged some bolas. She held Stormfly as she dodged nets as well. I looked down and spotted a whole army of ships.
"Let's get out of here!" Astrid yelled, and we both zoomed out of the area.

Once back at home I dismounted and paced near the forge. Astrid was watching me worried.
"I....I know who....they were." She suddenly said, breaking the silence.
"Your dad....and the Berk fleet." She stammered in reply. I pit stopped in my tracks and stared at her. My dad! What is he doing here? Is he trying to get Astrid back? Does he want the dragons? Is he trying to get me back? Well he isn't going to get Astrid, the dragons or me back anytime soon. I grabbed Astrid's hand and we ran to the forge. She was well armoured already, but I think a mask will finish it off nicely. I remember trading a sword for a Deadly Nadder mask on Trader Johnan's ship about a year ago.
"Here. Wear this for protection." I gave her the mask. She put it on and it fitted perfectly. It was light grey and black in colour with red Nadder spikes protruding from the top. It made Astrid look really fierce. I put my mask on and made sure I had my flaming sword and my shield. Toothless gathered all the dragons together and then told them where to go for the battle. We had a good chance at winning. Their was about two hundred dragons on my island. And I had trained every single one.
"Is everything ready Toothless?" I spoke Dragonesse.
"Yep. Hopefully the water dragons will get the hint. But otherwise everyone is ready."
"Thanks bud."
"Hiccup! Their here!" Astrid panted as she ran to Stormfly and mounted her. I nodded and mounted Toothless. The dragons ran to the edge of the forest and we peered out. Sure enough, my dad was walking along the beach directing ships where to dock. Vikings were unloading and setting up catapults.
"It's best to attack now before they are completely ready." I said to Astrid. She nodded. Some Gronckles came up alongside us.
"Gronckles, Zipplebacks and Nightmares. Attack!!" Toothless roared.
"Changewings! Go!" I screeched. Astrid and I then flew out followed by the rest of the dragons. I led the water dragons and the Gronckles to the ships. Whilst Astrid led the Nadders, Zipplebacks and Nightmares to the catapults and Vikings. It was a serious battle. It was a matter of life or death. Dragons were being knocked down. But Vikings were going down quicker. I spotted my dad.....Stoick, battling a Nightmare near a jutting out rock.
"Let's have a bit of fun bud." I bent down and told Toothless. He growled and swooped down low to the sand and straight towards the rock. Toothless sucked in a plasma blast and then let it out. The rock exploded, knocking Stoick over and letting the Nightmare fly away. I flicked Toothless's tail onto auto and then jumped off, landing lightly on the ground. Stoick got up quickly and looked around. He's eyes stopped at me. I grabbed my inferno and lit it.
"Get off my island!" I growled.
"Who are you?" Stoick didn't move.
"You know very well who I am! You just don't care! You never cared!!" I replied yelling at him. I then charged swinging the sword around. The Vikings had stopped battling and watched us. Stoick tried to block it with his mace but failed, he received a burn mark on his shoulder.
"Alright. That's it! Your paying for that!" He snarled back. He then tried to kick me over but I dodged and kicked the mace out of his hand. I then pulled out a dagger and held it at his throat. Stoick froze on the spot and raised his hands in submission. Astrid walked over and glared at Stoick. He could only see her flared blue eyes. She was holding her axe with white knuckles. She then punched Stoick and then hit him in the chest with the blunt side of the axe.
"That's for killing dragons! And that's for nearly killing me!" She growled. I then let Stoick go. He crumpled to the ground and sat down with a thud. His face was bleeding and his hands were covered in blood. I felt a tiny bit sorry for him. He looked at me and stared at my emerald green eyes. I turned away and mounted Toothless.
"Leave my island. And never return."
"Fine. We'll go. But just tell me what the name of your island is." Stoick asked as he stood up, groaning a bit. I really didn't want to answer that. Astrid mounted Stormfly and I mounted Toothless.
"Haddock Island." And then we left. All the dragons followed us, except a Terrible Terror. Who told me an hour later that the ships had left. The battle was over, for now.

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