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As I was left to read the files, I wondered what Captain America would be like. The information given to me was a lot to take in. Much of it was about his past and how he helped win the war. There were also parts about all the missions he had been on, who he had helped and his mental/physical issues. This seemed like it was going to be hard; though on the plus side, he was gorgeous.

         The door clicked open again, Fury walking in with the superhero. I stood up from my seat to be polite but my knees felt weak at his appearance. He was in his suit, shield on his back.

"Bethan Hills, let me introduce you to Steve Rogers, or as he is more commonly known as, Captain America." Fury introduced us.

"Pleasure to meet you ma'am." He nodded to me, smiling slightly.

"You too." I smiled back, trying to hide the blush on my cheeks.

"Both of you sit. I need to brief you both." Fury ordered.

          For the rest of the morning, Fury went through what was needed to be done. I hadn't realised how much information I would have to give. There were things like world cultures, current affairs, industrial advances and so forth; I was basically going to be his history teacher. A flat was assigned for us to meet in regularly, as it would be too dangerous for us to meet in our own homes. After he went through all of this, he dismissed us.

           The Captain and I exited the office, him holding the door open for me. We stepped into the lift, him announcing where we wanted to go. He was facing towards the view, the sun high in the sky now that it was lunch time.

"Excuse me for asking," the Captain's voice scared me,"but why has Fury got you doing this job?"

"That's what I've been wondering too Captain." I replied.

"You can call me Steve."

"Alright, Steve. You can call me Bethan."

"I hope you'll go easy on me Bethan. I might be a slow learner."

"We'll take it one step at a time, don't worry."

The lift stopped on one of the floors which I was not permitted on.

"I'll see you soon Bethan."

"Yeah, bye Steve." As he walked out of the lift, I suddenly remembered that I needed to tell the lift where I wanted to go."Oh, uh, ground floor please?"

"Ground Floor." It replied as confirmation.


As I drove home, I couldn't help but wonder how this would all turn out. Would I actually be able to teach him all of the things that had happened ever since he was frozen? It was going to be a lot for him to take it but I reckoned that he had bigger things on his mind; like saving the word for instance.

         Stopping so that I could let some pedestrians past, I heard one of the doors to my car open and then slam shut. I was about to turn to see who it was but they shouted at me to keep still.

"Don't look at me, don't scream and do no try to contact anyone!" It was a man, holding something cold to my head; my guess was that it was a gun."Just keep driving."

"What do you want?" I stuttered, trying to concentrate on the road. I knew that there was potential danger to working with S.H.I.E.L.D but I never thought it would be this soon.

"I want you to take me to Captain America."

"I don't know where he is!"

"Yes you do! You're working with him!"

"No I'm not! What would make you think that?!" As the shouting increased, so did the speed of my driving and heart.

"We've seen you! No more lies, otherwise I'll pull the trigger."

          He kept giving me directions and we eventually ended up in an empty car park. There was one other car here but it was falling apart and looked like it had been here for years. He shouted at me to get out which I did, shaking from absolute fear. Still holding the gun to my head, we walked to the middle of the car park before I was able to turn around.

          The man was very tall, well built, had a British accent like me and wearing all black and a bullet proof vest; did he think there would be others? I cowered, knowing that there was no one who knew that I was here.

"For the last time, tell me where the Captain is!"

         I wasn't able to comprehend an answer, my brain wasn't working. But I knew that I couldn't tell this guy anything, he could have been part of Hydra or something worse and I couldn't risk that.

I stood up straight, taking a deep breath."It doesn't matter what threats you throw at me, I'm not going to tell you anything." This new wave of confidence shocked me.

"Alright boss, you win. I owe you twenty bucks." He spoke into a microphone.


"Hi, I'm Hunter, fellow S.H.I.E.L.D agent." he informed me casually as if nothing had happened.

         As he put his gun back in his holster, a car pulled up with the S.H.I.E.L.D logo on it. An older man stepped out.

"Miss Hills, you may not remember me but I'm Agent Phil Coulson with S.H.I E.L.D. And I'm pleased to tell you that you have passed the test."

"Test? This wasn't real?!" I snapped.

"Nope, we needed to make sure you were still loyal to S.H.I.E.L.D."

"You couldn't have put me on a lie detector or something."

"Now that would just be boring."

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