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Steve had taken me to what seemed to be an abandoned office, full of old fashioned computers sat on weary looking desks, waiting to be used again. The room was huge, maybe a big enterprise was here before they collapsed. I was pacing in front of a sofa which looked very out of place to the rest of the furniture. Steve had disappeared but I wasn't going to try and escape. I wanted to help him but I didn't have any idea what was wrong with him. If I couldn't work out how to help him, I'd try to get S.H.I.E.L.D to.

            I heard his footsteps as he
re-entered the room. It seemed as if he only took a few steps until he was stood right in front of me. He pulled a chair towards him, making a horrible screeching sound as it was dragged along the floor. I cringed as he sat down, staring at me. Those blue eyes were not the same as they were before.

"What happened to you Steve?" I asked, frowning at him.

He stayed silent, still staring.

"Who did this to you?"

Still nothing.

"You are a captain," I stood up and walked over to him,"you are a leader! You aren't this person. Everybody respects you, they love you because you're a hero."

            He looked as if he was dead. Steve wasn't doing anything. I tried nudging him a little but no response. It was hopeless, how was I supposed to get answers if he wouldn't say or do anything?

Finally he spoke."We'll have to leave soon." Before he walked away.

         Staring after him, I was gobsmacked. What could have happened to make Steve, Captain America, one of the greatest hero's of all time, become numb and useless? Although it was a big risk, I rushed around the desk, trying every phone, praying that one would work. I was only on the tenth one when I was suddenly thrown over Steve's shoulder.

"I can walk you know!" I spat, wriggling around in his grasp. He didn't reply, still walking at a quick pace.

             He was not going to let go of me so I stayed put. Eventually, I heard him open the doors to the car as he placed me in my seat. There was no expression on his face so I wasn't sure what situation we were in; were we in trouble? Were we going to be safe?

           Once again, Steve drove as fast as the car could and I held on for dear life. Never had I felt sick when riding in a car but there was a first for everything. He suddenly pressed down hard on the brakes, almost hitting the S.W.A.T team ahead of us I saw Chris standing at the front, aiming his gun at us just like everyone else.

"Chris." I breathed out, relieved that I was going to be saved. I turned to face Steve."These people can help you, just comply and everything will be alright."

"They're a threat." his knuckles went white as his grip tightened on the wheel.

"I know that they look like that now, seeing as they are aiming their guns at us, but it's for their safety. You're the threat right now."

        He said nothing as he put the car into reverse, pushing down on the pedals so that we flew backwards. He swerved the car to turn us around, making us jolt all over the place. As he drove off in the opposite directions, the team behind us started to shoot, causing the back window to shatter. I screamed as I ducked down, praying that I was going to get out of this however that seemed unlikely.

        Grabbing the wheel, I pulled it towards me, making us swerve again. We almost tipped over due to the speed we were at. Steve grabbed my hands, shoving them off of the wheel. Unbuckling my seatbelt, I lunged myself at him, trying to stop him from doing anything more. We struggled making the car veer sharply in all directions. Steve threw me off him and into my seat, my head hitting against the door. Another gunshot went off and the car suddenly felt like it was lowering, they had punctured a tire.

           Steve leaned over to my side of the car, opening the door and pushing us both out. Landing on the ground, Steve hovered over me, looking beneath the car for the others. They were still stood there but some we're moving to surround the car. I tried punching Steve, but the only result I got was the sound of my bones breaking. Screaming out of pain, I rolled over, clutching my hand gently. Steve looked alarmed and climbed off of me, ignoring the fact that I had tried to hurt him. Another gunshot fired and Steve fell after it. As he fell down beside me, I saw a sedation dart in his neck, meaning he wasn't dead.

            The agents filed in, some on guard in case the super soldier woke up whilst the others dragged him away. Chris was soon by my side, helping me get towards safety. Sitting in the back of an open door van, paramedics tended to me.

"What did he do to you?" Chris asked, sitting beside me.

"Nothing. He didn't do anything to me." I whispered.

"Really? I'm glad you're safe but I thought that he might do something."

"Someone has changed him, this isn't Captain America."

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