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As my alarm woke me, I felt the ache in my muscles, making me rethink what I was doing. Taking a deep breath, I quickly sat up, leaning on my pillows for support. What the hell was I thinking with this? Rubbing my forehead, I reached for the tablets that had been prescribed for me, taking the right amount before motivating myself to get out of bed.

          The smell of bacon filled my kitchen as I cooked, the sizzling sound followed. Wrapping my hoodie tighter around me, I patiently waited for the food to cook before serving it up for myself. Taking it through the living room, my phone started to ring and I was debating on leaving it; so I did. It kept ringing which annoyed me, so I turned it off. I wanted at least an hour of peace.

          It had only been ten minutes of silence, but of course, it had to be ruined. The door burst open, splinters everywhere in the wood, and it was almost off of the hinges. Letting out a scream, I reached for my gun, aiming it at whoever had forced themselves into my home. However, I had nothing to worry about, as it was only Standford.

"What do you think you're doing!?" I hissed at him, as I rushed to close the door. Luckily, it was still able to do its job.

"You weren't answering your phone, we were trying to contact you." He explained.

"I turned my phone off. I just wanted some quiet time." I whispered back as I placed my gun back on the shelf.

"Why are you whispering?"

Raising my voice to a normal level, I sighed."The neighbours are getting suspicious. They have no clue what's going on."

"Why should that matter?"

"I'm the youngest in this building, they feel as if they have to look after me. Plus, if anyone sees you barging down my door out of the blue, won't that look a little strange?"

"I'm sorry, but it was acceptable in this case."

I crossed my arms over my chest."Mm, no it wasn't. And I'm hoping that you're backup team aren't here?"

He hesitated."They're here."

"Well...tell them that they can leave. That goes for you too, you know where the door is."

          I walked away, expecting him to leave but he didn't. He followed me to the living room before gently grabbing my hand. I flinched, both of us retracting our hands instantly. It was silent for a few minutes before my front door was opened again. Stanford grabbed his gun, standing in front of me. But once again, he overreacted as it was only Steve.

"Agent Stanford, what are you and you're backup team doing here?" Steve seemed stressed.

"I'm sorry Captain. It was necessary." Stanford replied, seeming more formal.

"No it wasn't. We literally just discussed this." I retaliated.

"Is he bothering you?" Steve ignored Stanford.

"No, he was just leaving."

           Stanford instantly left, talking into his headpiece, ordering the others to back down. We heard the door slam shut, echoing around the flat. Flopping down onto my sofa, I felt uncomfortable all of a sudden. The sofa dipped beside me as Steve sat with me, leaning forward on his knees.

"Bethan," I raised my head to look at him,"what happened when I left?"

"A whole load of shit, pardon my language." I sighed.

"Fury filled me in but...I can't help but imagine what would have happened if I had come with you like I intended to."

I placed a hand on his shoulder."Steve, none of us knew about that. I mean, the team should have detected something...and now my information is out there...with bad people."


Walking through the streets, I could feel Stanford's team watching me. It made me uneasy, knowing that their job was to protect me, especially if anyone were to do something to me. I sped up the pace, wanting to get home sooner. After much arguing, I had persuaded S.H.I.E.L.D to let me get my own food shopping at the very least; I couldn't stay cooped up in my flat forever. And work? I had no clue what was happening but S.H.I.E.L.D had convinced them to not let me inside the building. It was so humiliating, just standing at the doors whilst my coworkers walked by.

          Fury had rung my phone again, and I internally groaned. Swapping some bags over to my other hand, I answered the phone, praying that I didn't have to go to HQ.

"Bethan, you need to get home, now." Fury demanded.

"I'm on my way now, is there something wrong?" I asked, starting to worry.

"You're bags have been packed for you, once you get there, there will be a car waiting for you."

I stopped walking."Where are you taking me?"

"Bethan, trust us." Then he hung up.

         Some of my bags were being taken out of my hands, Stanford was the cause. He pushed me along, trying to look natural, but I was fuming. However, if there was something wrong that could put me in danger, I was going to have to go along with it.

        We soon arrived at the building and like Fury said, a car was waiting. Stanford dumped the food shopping on the floor, rushing us to the car. He slipped in the drivers seat before speaking through his headset. Stanford started to order them as we drove off, then he stopped.

"Bethan," he said, concentrating on driving,"I'm sorry about this morning. I just overreacted."

"No, it's fine. Actually, I should be grateful at how prepared you were. Look, Stanford-"

"I think we're on first name bases now." He smiled.

"Well, Chris, I know how this isn't going to be easy but I just want you to know that I trust you."

"Thank you. Don't worry, you'll be completely safe with us."

But he was wrong and we both found that out as our car was tipped onto its side, skidding across the road.

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