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Agent Coulson took me to the ground floor before departing from me. As I made my way to the doors, I was called by someone. Frantically looking about, I finally spotted who it was. One of the receptionists (or robots) were waving me over to the desk. Embarrassed, I walked towards them, hoping no one had seen that. The woman handed me another thick file, giving me the orders from Fury. I was to read it all by tomorrow before I would report to the meeting place for me and Steve.

           As I walked outside, my car was already parked up at the bottom of the steps. The window rolled down, revealing Agent Stanford smiling and I couldn't help but smile back. Climbing in the passenger seat, I caught some women staring at us as we drove off; but then I remembered what Agent Coulson had said.

"I'm guessing that you've been assigned something quite important?" Agent Stanford said, gesturing towards the file on my lap.

"Oh, yes! The Director says I have to read it all before tomorrow." I explained.

"Well, if you're a good reader, I'm sure you'll get through it. If not, then it's going to be a long night."

"Lucky for me that I'm a fast reader."

"Are you training to become an agent?"

"God no, why would I ever want a job like that?"

Agent Standford raised an eyebrow.

I suddenly realised why he seemed surprised."Oh no! I didn't mean it like that! I'm just not equipped for that sort of thing. I swear, I'm not trying to downgrade you."

He smiled again, laughing a little."I know. Some people think this sort of career is exciting and a chance to see amazing things."

"It can be, can't it?"

"Rarely. Most of the time it's just trying to survive."

"Yeah, I know, I've seen it."

          We pulled up to my building and I saw that there were some agents already parked up in a S.H.I.E.L.D car. Agent Stanford parked my car in the garages for me before escorting me to my flat. Many of the residents noticed that I had a man with me, a surprise to them all; to be honest, I never found time to go on dates, so I was probably the Bridget Jones of this building.

            Agent Stanford had to do a routine check of my flat before he left. It felt a bit awkward as he searched through quite a few things in every room. He was soon done and explained to me what to do in case of an emergency. I tried to concentrate on his instructions but all of the precautions just made me more scared for my life. Agent Stanford had basically just told me that there could be a chance of someone attacking, kidnapping or worse, killing me and all because I was Captain America's tutor.

"Oh, and one last thing." He said, stopping himself from walking out of the door.

          He rummaged in his backpack before pulling out a small gun. My eyes widened as he handed it to me. I tried to put it back in his hands but he wouldn't have it.

"I don't want it!" I protested.

"You have to. It's for self defence."

"You're my self defence!"

"It'll give you time if we aren't here in time. Now, do you know how to load it?"


It was a good thing that I hadn't planned on going to sleep (due to the fact that I was petrified of the thought of someone coming to kill me) as it gave me time to read the whole file. It took me hours to take in all the rules, but I grabbed the basics of them. In the end, I only ended up sleeping for a few hours, being reminded that I had important things to do by my alarm.

           As I drove, I kept checking my face in the mirror, hoping that I had covered the bags under my eyes. It was a risk driving as I was so tired but I had to push myself. Luckily, I made it to the designated flat without any accidents. We were near the top of the building; I would really have to get over that stupid fear of lifts.

           The agonising ride in the lift was over sooner than I thought. There were only two other flats beside us which meant less interruptions and hopefully less threats. As I got closer to the door, I rummaged through my bag, trying to find the keys. My eyes caught the gun, making me cringe; it just reminded me what I was getting myself into.

           Surprisingly, the flat was huge and the furniture was very modern, along with the technology. I set my bag on the counter top, grabbing the files that I needed, but as I did I heard a noise. The noise only increased as the creaking of the floor was heard. Without hesitation, I grabbed the gun, shaking as I pointed it up. I urged myself to move through the flat to see who was there.

"Bethan? What are you doing?" A voice made me scream and I almost shot them.

Holding a hand to my chest, I lowered the gun."Oh my god, Steve! I could have had a heart attack."

"I'm sorry. But I think you're overreacting with the gun though."

"I have to have it with me at all times, for my own protection. Agent Stanford promised that he would teach me how to use one."

"Agent Stanford? Are you sure?"

"Yeah. Wy is that such a surprise to everyone?"

"I haven't even seen him talking to women. From what I've heard of him, he isn't the type to just teach a woman how to use a gun."

"He's just trying to protect me, he's doing his job. Now come on, we need to get on with this."

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