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Trying to regain my breath, I leaned against the wall of the building, glad that the descent was finally over. As I was about to make my way towards the garages of the building of flats, I remembered that I had no keys; if they had stolen my car also they'd be in for the shock of their lives.

            S.H.I.E.L.D HQ was too far away to walk, besides, anyone could follow me. Tugging at the roots of my hair, I groaned, not knowing what to do. Before I could make my way out of the back alley, a car came speeding down, screeching to a halt before it could come near me. I backed up against the wall defenceless, waiting for something horrible to happen to me.

"Why are you just standing there!? Get in!" Agent Stanford shouted as he rolled down the window.

          My legs instantly sprinted to the other side of the car, hopping in and doing up the seatbelt before he could shout at me anymore. As soon as my seatbelt clicked, he hit his foot down on the pedals and reversed out of the alley at an alarming speed. I clung onto my seat, closing my eyes, scared at what could possibly happen. Stanford jerked the wheel, making us turn around but I ended up hitting my head on the window.

"What the hell happened back there!?" He demanded as he sped down the road, dodging around other cars.

Rubbing my forehead, I groaned."I-I don't know. I left something back at the flat, went to get it and someone must have broken in because I was knocked out by something that went over my mouth."

"And you didn't think to try to attack him? What about the gun I gave you?"

"He had me in his grip!" We swerved again, almost hitting a row of cars."I don't know how to defend myself like you do! And could you just slow down, you're going to get us killed!?"

"Hopefully we'll have some footage of him, but you're probably in trouble."

"What!? How the hell is this my fault!?"

"If you weren't careless, you wouldn't have left anything behind and you could be at home right now."

"It was an accident. How was I supposed to know some psycho would be hiding in there!?"

"Why has Fury even got you on this mission? Shouldn't it be someone more qualified?"

"You think I want to do this? Constantly living in fear that I could be killed? Look, I'm just returning a favour."

"A favour? What could Fury have done to make you do something like this?"

"It's none of your concern."

"Well, seeing as I'm in charge of the team that's protecting you, I think I have a right to know."

"You're supposed to be protecting me!? Then where were you when I was attacked!?"

He stayed silent.

"That's what I though, agent."

           It was worse when we arrived at S.H.I.E.L.D. Everyone was running around more than usual and I was getting glares from most of them. Stanford didn't let me catch up to him either, making me run after him before the doors to the lift closed. Sighing, I leaned against the window, knowing that he wouldn't speak to me. My head hung low as I felt the shame pulse through me. Could I have done something to have stopped that all from happening? Would I have died for all that information?

No, probably not.

           It felt like we were stopping at each floor. Piles of agents came pouring in, all of them discussing the situation at hand. I could feel eyes on me as the lift got fuller but they all had to eventually get out, as they didn't have access to Fury's office. I couldn't say that I was relieved when they got out because I still had to face the man in charge of the whole place.

"Try to remain calm, Fury is going to be mad." Stanford spat as he opened the door.

          As soon as I walked in, Fury dismissed Stanford and the door slammed behind me. Fury didn't look up, flicking pages through a file. Doing what I thought was right, I sat down in one of the chairs opposite the desk. My hands were shaking and were beginning to get sweaty; I had no clue what to do with myself.

"Stop fidgeting." Fury said, finally looking at me.

I tried to do so and said nothing.

"Have you been checked out yet?"


"By the paramedics? Surely Stanford took you there."

"No, he didn't sir."

"You don't have to address me as 'sir', you're not an agent and never will be."


He pressed down on a button on the phone."Arrange a meeting with the medical team for Ms Bethan Hills, I'll send her down once I'm done with her."

I played with my fingers, not sure of what to say.

"Look, everyone is pretty pissed off with what happened. They're mad at both of us."

"Why you?"

"I'm the one who put you on this mission, there's been a lot of gossip between the agents, I'm guessing none of them are exactly nice."

"I thought you'd be shouting at me by now."

"It's our own fault that we haven't taught you on self defence. We'll get on that right away. Just be careful out there, alright?"

I nodded, half smiling before hurrying out of the room.

          Stanford was still out there waiting for me. In silence, we stepped into the lift and made our way down to the medical centre. They were all ready for me as soon as I arrived. I went to talk to Stanford but he was gone before I could say anything to him.

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