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The next day, I called Steve early in the morning. Without sounding too excited, I explained the phone call I had received from the one and only Iron Man. He was laughing most of the time, especially since I was bad at covering up my hysteria. Finally receiving the details, I threw lots of questions at him; what do I wear? Who will be there? What should I say? But in the end, he told me to relax and just be myself. I couldn't help but laugh at the most cliche advise.

          Apparently, Tony would only be inviting some close friends so it wasn't like one of those big galas of his I had seen so many times on tv. Lucky for me, I had the perfect dress for it. Not too casual but not too smart, a nice middle. The party was that night, so I figured that the short notice invitation was to make sure I actually came. I thought about the Avengers for a minute. Would they all be like Steve? Tony seemed nice, despite knowing he was rich and famous, and I was able to talk to Natasha just the other day, but there was also another master assasin, a god and a man who could turn into a green, rage monster. Was I really up for this?

          The whole day was spent getting ready. I walked around my new flat with rollers in my hair as I had finished my makeup and nails. I wanted to make a good impression. Someone knocked on my door and I dreaded to answer it. But having to do so, I was glad it was just Steve.

"You're early, you know that?" I said as I let him in.

"Yeah but I was ready. I didn't want to just sit around and wait." he smiled. He looked so good, nice, smart trousers with a blue shirt and leather jacket.

"Excuse my appearance, I was just about to take these out actually." I gestured to the rollers in my hair.

"I didn't know women still used those."

"It's not as popular as it used to be but I love them. I find it easier than using a wand."

"A wand?"

I giggled."Don't worry, you won't need to learn about that. Unless you get a girlfriend, though I'm sure she would tell you all about it."

I saw his cheeks go a little red. He quickly changed the topic."How are you adapting to this new place then?"

"I mean, it's nice but I miss my old one. I decorated it the way I wanted to and it was just home. There's no point in even trying with this place, I'll probably get moved again once another threat comes swooping in. It just feels like S.H.I.E.L.D, you know?"

"I was like that with mine. You'll get used to it, I'm sure you could put something in here to make it feel more cosy."

"I'll have to think about it." I walked to my bedroom, still talking to Steve."You can come in you know. I'm only doing my hair."

          Anyone could see that he was hesitating as I invited him in. Smiling at him being such a gentleman, I sat at the vanity and started to take my rollers out. I looked at him through the mirror as he sat on the edge of my bed.

"I'm a little nervous actually." I admitted. Hopefully Steve could help me with this.

"Why? You shouldn't be."

"Steve, I know you. I'm comfortable around you but the others...I'm sure they're nice but you're all superheroes. And I'm...."

"A great friend of mine who is accompanying me to a small gathering. Believe me, Tony's parties are usually much bigger than this."

"That's good to know." I started to brush my fingers through my hair, to make the curls into loose waves."I talked to Black Widow today, she seemed nice."

"Once you get past the tough exterior, Nat's just like any other person."

I stood up, brushing my dress out before turning to Steve."How do I look?"

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