The Winter Soldier

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I screamed as I came face to face with the intruder. His black uniform made him look more daunting and although I couldn't see his eyes I knew they were staring right through me. As I aimed the gun at him he grabbed it with his metal arm throwing it across the room along with myself. My body hit the opposite wall creating a dent. As I fell to the floor I remembered my other guns. Both had fallen out of my sweatpants, I spotted one acros the room but the other was closer to me. Groaning as I forced myself onto my hands and knees I was able to crawl over to the weapon. My shaky hands picked it up not really aiming as I took the shot. Every bullet missed as I had not used one for a long time and I was never good at it anyway.

He kept advancing towards me despite the bullets. He deflected some with his metal arm, my jaw dropping open in total shock. The gun was snatched from my hand again crumbling to pieces as the man crushed it in his hand. I screamed for JARVIS but there was no reply. The intruder picked me up by the arm, the cold metal along with the pain made me gasp. For a moment we were still. He held his face close to mine, his grip tight on my body.

"Are you H-HYDRA?" I croaked out as tears fell down my cheeks.

He said nothing.

A sudden wave of confidence came over me. If this was going to be my last moments on earth, I wasn't going out crying.

"They'll come for you. S.H.I.E.L.D will take down HYDRA and you'll be nothing once they've finished with you."

His head tilted to the side before pushing me back into the already dented wall. My head smacked against it causing me to become dizzy. The man's hand was held against my mouth holding a cloth. I knew not to breathe in but I had no other choice as I struggled against his strength. The chemicals on the cloth filed my lungs, causing my eyes to shut as I fell unconscious.

The pain filling my head made me whimper as I came to. I went to lift my hands to my head but relised that they were tied tightly together. Keeping relatively still my body still rocked. It was only when my hearing hit me that I realised I was in a car, well, the back of a van. I struggled to sit up with my tied up hands and discovered that my feet were in the same situation. My eyes looked towards the front of the van where the intruder from before was driving. Still with his face covered, he glanced into the rearview mirror for a split second.

"Where are you taking me?" I cried. My bravery had disappeared.

Just like before there was no answer. I didn't bother to speak again though tried to move. Most of my limbs still felt numb or a lot of pain. I cried out again as I tried to move. My kidnappers head jerked back startled by this. My eyes closed as more tears fell, praying that this nightmare would be over soon.

The van was stopped suddenly almost causing me to call onto my side. As I expected the man remained silent as he climbed out of the van. I waited for the van doors to be open and getting dragged out of the vehicle. No one came though. I waited longer. Still no one. Had he just left me alone? Scrambling towards the back doors I attempted to open it before I heard an almighty explosion making me fall back. The sounds of screams and sirens came after. What happened out there? What had he done?

These noises escalated, gun shots and cries of pain following. People were fighting out there. Something hit the van and I screamed out. A knife punctured through the side of the vehicle being dragged all the way across, making me cringe as it made a horrible noise.

"HELP!" I screamed out."I'M IN HERE!" Someone had to be out there to help me.

A huge dent formed as something (or someone) was thrown against the back door. It hanged off the hinge soon breaking off due to its weight. The light struck me revealing what was really going on out there.

"Steve!?" I called out as I saw him fighting my kidnapper.

He threw the man away from him before whpping his bed round at me."Bethan!? What are you doing here!?"

"He kidnapped me!" I pointed to the man with my tied up hands.

"I'll get you out of here, just hold on!" he rushed out as the man came hurtling towards Steve.

Knowing that the kidnapper wasn't going to give up easily, I started to try to untie my feet. The rope rubbed against my skin but I ignored the firctio burns that would occur. After some struggle my feet were finally free. However I was still weak, trying to quickly regain my strength I got out of the van. I was still in the clothes from before making me look like a homeless person but that did it matter right now. Running as quick as I could force myself to go, I tried to find some sort of shelter until this fight was over. I would be of no help here.

People had evacuated the streets though I could still hear their screams. In my haste I ran into someone but instead of carrying on running I was grabbed by them. They were some sort of soldier but obviously not one on our side. I tried to get out of their grip though to no avail. He kicked the back of my knees to make them buckle, forcing me to stay on the ground.

"STEVE-" I started to called out until the soldier placed his foot on my neck while aiming a gun at me. I knew then to shut up.

I could no longer see Steve. The fight kept on moving but by saw more soldiers arrive. After a few minutes of being pinned to the ground I was pulled back onto my feet. I heard a flick of a knife and was about to scream out until I felt the rope around my legs fall off. They dragged me towards a van despite my attempts at stopping them. Once I saw Steve again who was in the same situation as me I let the man push me forwards.

"Steve." I whispered out as we were shoved inside.

"Are you ok?" he asked.

"No." I flinched as the doors slammed shut."I have no idea how he found me."

Steve was silent as I referred to the kidnapper.

"What is it?" the engine started and we were moving.

"I knew him."

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 23, 2017 ⏰

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