The Serum

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I was called in again by Fury, saying he had important information concerning Steve. Rushing there, I prayed that he was normal again. What ever had happened to him was not natural. He was Captain America, the most trusted and loyal superhero there ever was. Steve was not that monster that kidnapped me. Then my mind went to why he did it. Why had he come after me? Did I know something? Was I about to know something? It was crazy, I was just a regular civilian (though now I was helping a secret organization and Captain America. Not so normal).

        I was allowed into the facility. They had issued me with a pass and ID so that I could come in. I showed them the badges before parking, then entering the huge skyscraper that was one of the many S.H.I.E.L.D headquarters. Someone walked up to me though I took no notice until they said my name.

"Miss Hills, Director Fury has requested for you in forensics. Take this key card and swipe it in the slot once your inside the elevator. It's not hard to miss." the man took a key card out of his pocket before wandering off.

          I thanked him though felt a little insulted. Just because I wasn't an agent didn't mean that I wasn't aware of how things worked. Following his instructions, the computer in the elevator stated where we we're going before moving upwards. I looked outside, trying to calm myself. I always felt nervous at S.H.I.E.L.D, surrounded by heroes that kept us safe, I was probably intimidated. Though it nerved me that there were professional assasins around me, they could kill me in under five seconds and no one would hear me scream.

         The lift finally stopped. Stepping out, I had no idea where to go. I sort of swayed from side of side, trying to work out where to go. Why weren't there any signs?

"Miss Hills?" a voice made me jump.

I turned and saw the Black Widow."Y-yes."

She smirked."I'm sorry if I scared you. Director Fury sent me to collect you."

"Thank you." I started to follow her."Should I be prepared for anything?"

"Apart from Captain America's strong patriotism, I don't think so."

"Wait, he's back to normal!?"

"Sorry if I ruined the surprise." I could see her smiling."How are you though? It must have been a scary situation."

"Yeah, we'll I'm getting used to those."

            We arrived in front of a lab, which contained many scientists. Up ahead, I saw Fury. The super assasin entered a code into the keypad before ushering me in. As the doors closed behind me, I realised she was no longer there. It hadn't hit me that I was just talking to one of the Avengers.

"Glad you could make it, Hills." Fury said as I stood next to him. In front of us was a huge screen."We've worked out what made the Captain go off the rails."

"Well what was it?" I sounded more desperate than intended.

"He was only missing for a few days cause we sent him on a secret mission. Though that turned into quite a while and even we got worried. However, someone who we thought we could trust gave him some sort of serum that made him temporarily forget some things when he was giving Captain Rogers his medical exam, only focus on a mission given to him by the traitor."

"Did you catch the traitor?"

"Yes. He's currently being questioned."

"But if he was supposed to be forgetting things, why did he remember me?"

"We're not sure. He must have had some recollection of you, seeing as he was protecting you."

"I don't get that part either."

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