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China had always wanted an attack dog. There was something so appealing about the thought of unleashing a beast on some poor, deserving person. Of course, China hated dogs, the slobber, the mess.

But people were the best attack dogs. Hatred did amazing things, and when that hatred was aligned with her... Delicious.

Especially when China wouldn't have minded ripping apart someone personally; but she was a Grand Mage, and that behavior wouldn't abide. So attack dogs would have to do. Even if she really wanted to be the one—

"Valkyrie," China greeted.

Valkyrie stood there, the mirrors reflecting her like an ink blot across the mirrors. She held her chin up, questioning and defiant. She didn't smile, or greet China. Not anymore.

"Why did you call me?"

China let out a sigh. "What happened to the old days? We would gossip, and laugh, and you would cower in fear and awe of your Grand Mage. I miss them."

Valkyrie didn't say anything, but China wasn't going to budge. Valkyrie knew she had called her here for a reason, and despite Valkyrie's reputation, China was a friend. A useful friend, all things considered.

"China," Valkyrie said.

She did say it sad. There was so much in that name. It was layered, it was irritation, something underneath that swirled and threatened to break into sadness or boundless, futile anger.

"I found him."

Valkyrie blinked. "Him? China, there is no him. I've looked." She gave a smile, sharp and pointed. "Trust me, I've looked."

"Have I ever let you down before?"

And maybe that was a joke, and China hoped that Valkyrie would take it. China was dying for some banter, anything. If there was one thing China missed, it was her lost books and banter.

But Valkyrie didn't answer.

"He exists. I've found him." China held up a slim file. "A name and his last known location. I'm sure you can do the rest."

Valkyrie stepped forward. "He doesn't exist," she said, but her voice was hoarse. She took the file. "He doesn't exist."

And China wondered if that was what Valkyrie had comforted herself with. Late at night, waking up screaming from nightmares, stalking through alleys and blackening bodies with electricity—he doesn't exist. Something to stop the slaughter.

Valkyrie opened the folder, mouthed the name to herself. And then rage twisted across her face, still so pretty. The folder crackled, caught fire, and Valkyrie left, leaving the room smelling of smoke and ozone.


Valkyrie didn't blink. Tanith stood in front of her, sword drawn but lowered. Tanith didn't want to fight. Of course she didn't, but it had been her trailing after Valkyrie, making sure she behaved herself, begging for an argument.

"Val, you don't have to do this."

The house was behind her. It was a nice neighborhood. Tanith wondered if Valkyrie would raze it to the ground. It wouldn't be the first time. She was surprised Valkyrie wasn't in a Gaol right now for even being in the country.

"Do you think he would want this?"

Valkyrie jolted. She gave the first laugh Tanith had heard in a long time.

"Yes, I do, actually. He'd want me to say something clever and kill the person who killed him. But I don't have anything clever planned. I think he'd understand."

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