Chapter Eleven: Yui ♣

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**caution, some violence/abuse ahead**


Asuka ♬

Yui followed me, and I clutched my bag to my chest as we waited for my limo to pull up. "You want a ride, Yui?" I glanced down at my short friend.

She shook her head and smiled. "Nah. I have a few things to do on the way home." With that, she turned and walked down the street, waving her hand over her shoulder.



I walked quickly down the street, having quite a few blocks to go before I reached my destination. The streets were filled with kids playing and walking home from school once I was about twenty blocks from Ouran. Yea, long walk. I had to though, to get my baby brother from daycare.

I finally made it, smiling at the workers. "Hey Mizo-sensei! Reira-san!" Mizo-sensei was a middle-aged woman with shoulder length brown hair and dark brown eyes, and Reira-san was a college student five years older than myself, with long wavy black hair and piercing green eyes.

"Yui-chan! Are you enjoying your Club activities?" Mizo-sensei smiled warmly as Reira-san turned to call for my brother.

"Yes ma'am. I'm making a few new friends, too." I half lied, shifting my weight. She smiled wider, and I changed the subject. "Was Leo good today?" I asked, glancing at the doorway.

"Yes. He drew a picture." She sounded a bit hesitant, so I waited patiently for her to finish. "But, the assignment was 'family', and he only drew you and him." She looked concerned.

I felt my cheeks grow hot and avoided her gaze. "Ah, yea. Mum works late and sleeps in, so Leo doesn't see her all the time."

"Onee-tan!" Leo's voice thankfully cut off anything the sensei was going to say, and I knelt to his level. "I dwew a pictoh an pwayed wif blockth!" His lisp made me smile and I gathered him into my arms.

"That sounds like lots of fun!" I picked him you and set him on my hip, shouldering his little blue backpack. He giggled and I bowed to the workers before turning to leave, him waving and calling 'bye bye' over my shoulder. "What do you want for dinner tonight, Leo?" I kept the fake cheer in my voice as I walked to our apartment.

"Omu-rice!" He shouted, throwing his arms up excitedly.

I did a quick mental check, going through what I remembered we had in the fridge and what we had eaten in the last week. We had everything I needed to cook what he wanted, and we hadn't had omu-rice in a while. I nodded, shifting his weight a bit. "Alright! Omu-rice it is!"

Hours later, Leo was bathed, clothed, and put to bed, and I sat in our small room doing homework. A plate of dinner sat in the microwave for our mum, and the apartment was spotless. It had to be. I finished up my assignments and pit my school things in my bag, looking to Leo as he slept. He was so adorable, his soft dark blue hair already askew and his sky blue eyes closed peacefully.

I heard the front door open and shut, signally my mother was home from her hostess job. Hopefully not drunk. Her job was the reason I had been avoiding going to the Host Club at school, but I'm glad I went. It was fun to chat with the guys and get to know them.

I tiptoed out to the front room and frowned when I smelled the alcohol. Great.

"Mum?" I smiled at her, hoping she'd just eat her dinner and then pass out. "I made omu-rice today. Would you like me to heat it you for you?"

"Yui. Whatreyou still doin' up?" She slurred, frowning. "You said there's food? I wanit." She staggered forward and plopped onto a cushion, pulling out a bottle of sake she had stashed.

"Okay." I smiled and went to the small kitchen, turning the microwave on for a minute. So far, so good. It Was done quickly, and I brought her the plate with a fork and a bottle of ketchup. "Do you want me to write something on it?" I smiled again, trying not to anger her.

She glared at me and snatched the bottle away. "No. I cin do it." She slurred again and squirted the ketchup onto the food, spluttering it onto the floor a bit. "Ah. Yui, clean it up." She pointed and I grabbed a wet rag. I hurried to dab out the red splatter before it stained, sighing just the slightest. "What! You not..." mum hiccuped and poured herself a shot of sake. "Whatreyou sighin' for? Don't think you're better than me!"

"I- I'm not-" I stuttered, dabbing faster.

"Don't innerupt!" She back-handed me across my face and I fell over, cupping my head. "You- don't think you're better juss 'cause you're in that damn fancy school!" She hit me again, anger apparent in her voice. "You're not goin' anywhere in life, so why even try! You're juss gonna fail, and nobody will love you!"

I curled up, covering my head as she beat me. She was only angry because that's what she had experienced. She dropped out of high school to have me, and my father had disappeared long ago. Leo's father was unknown, and no one seemed to want to stick around for good. She needed to vent her anger and frustrations out. Plus, she only ever hit me when she was drunk.

"Everyone will leave you! Juss like your father did!" She stood and started kicking me, and I whimpered. "You'll be all alone! Even Leo will leave someday!"

Tears clouded my vision as she yelled, her foot connecting with my arm. Finally, after what seemed like forever, she stopped. I took this as my cue to leave, so I stood up shakily. I looked at her with a teared streaked face. "I'm sorry." My voice shook. She ignored me and sat down to eat. "I- I'm going to bed. I l- love you. Goodnight."

~A/N: wow. So much drama in these chapters.... Heehee. It's fun to write. This takes place while Asuka-chan is reading the file on Chihaya-chan, before the southern country cosplay.

I'm sorry if the abuse Yui goes through is too much(although I didn't go in much detail...) it's important to my plot...

Abuse is a terrible thing to go through. If you or someone you know is going through abuse, or even if you suspect it, please get help. Nobody deserves to go through that.


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