Chapter Fifteen: Mimiyashi ♠

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A/N: I'm do sorry! I had bad writers block this whole time. But now, without further ado, enjoy!

Mimiyashi ♠

I sighed as I leaned against the wall of the ballroom. My dress was (picture. Cuz itz hard to explain...and I'm lazy... >_>). My hair was laying down my back, a purple clip holding some of it to the side. I had a pair of black flats on my feet to finish the outfit.

I was bored. I was going to skip and stay home with my younger brother, Yasuchika, and my parents but Sazuki blackmailed me. If I didn't come tonight, he'd tell my older brother that I've been smoking and such. I didn't want him to know, because then he'd tell my parents. And then I'd be in lots of trouble and get grounded and probably never see the light of day again. Or something like that.

So there I was, scowling and watching everyone dance and fawn over the Host Club. The blonde idiot was going from girl to girl, flirting with them all. I felt uncomfortable watching him, seeing all those girls with him.

Realizing this only pissed me off. Why should I feel uncomfortable? I don't care what he does, he's an idiot.

I went to the spread of food nearby and poured myself a glass of sparkling non-alcoholic champagne. While I sipped on the drink, I wandered around the floor, smiling at the girls that waved because why not. After a few minutes, I noticed that I kept Tamaki in my line of sight almost the entire time, and I felt my face heat up. He was wearing a white tux (or suit? I dunno, I can't tell the difference...) and smiling kindly at the girl he was dancing with. She was obviously flirting with him, hugging him too tightly and pressing herself against him. She leaned up and pulled him down, whispering in his ear before pulling his face in for what I assumed was a kiss.

Before I knew what was what, I was stalking over to them and my glass fell to the floor, the liquid inside spilling onto the girl before it shattered on the ground.

It was quiet for a minute, and I clenched my dress in my fists. My eyes darted from Tamaki to the girl to the broken glass on the floor, and I started to stutter out an apology. "I- I'm so sor-"

"Oh my God, look what you did! This is real silk, it's going to stain!" The girl glared at me, her once beautiful face twisted into an ugly sneer.

"Mimiyashi-san, what are you doing?! You need to watch what you're doing!" The blonde idiot looked angry, and he was fussing over the girl.

I grit my teeth, any apology I had ready completely gone. "I need time watch what I'm doing? She was all over you! It's disgusting!"

His face hardened. "Mimiyashi-san, that's none of your concern. Sakura-san is a customer, you need to be mindful of the guests." I opened my mouth to retort back, only to be interrupted before I could say anything to defend myself. "You are a part of the Host Club, whether you like it or not, under the grace that your brother has asked of me. You can't treat our guests like this just because you find it unpleasant to be here. I'd hate to have to ask you to leave the Club because your attitude is disturbing the customers."

I looked around and saw a few of the guests starting to gather. So instead of yelling back, I spun on my heel and ran, heading to the only place I knew that was calming: the roof.

I busted through the door and went to the edge, gripping the wall tightly. I stared at the space between my hands, watching as something wet landed on the stone, darkening the pink. I discerned a moment later that the wetness was coming from me. I was crying. I grit my teeth and shoved away from the wall, wiping at my face to get rid of the tears.

I turned back to the wall, frustrated at my reaction. Had I spilled the drink on purpose? Well, either way she deserved it.

I punched the wall, instantly bruising my hand, instantly regretting taking my frustrations out on a stone wall. I leaned over the edge and pulled out my pack of cigarettes, lighting one. The consistency of breathing the smoke in and out calmed me down and I thought about the events from earlier. I hadn't even realized what I had been doing until the glass broke against the ground. What was I thinking? Was I... was I jealous? Why would I be jealous? Unless...

My eyes widened as I came to an understanding I was not ready for, and I covered my mouth with my hand. Ash fell off the cigarette in my other hand as I leaned over the wall and stared at the ground far below me. Unless I like Tamaki...

"Mimiyashi-san?" a soft voice drifted over to me, and I jumped, dropping the cigarette onto the roof.

"Ouch!" I looked down, noticing I had burned my hand with the lit end of my cigarette.

"Hey! What are you..." the owner of the voice was suddenly next to me, stomping out the burning stick and taking my hand in his. I looked up to see Tamaki looking closely at my hand, turning it over and running his fingers along the discoloration on my knuckles. I winced, the bruises already hurting. "What did you do?"

By heart sped up at the close proximity, and I licked my lips, glancing at the wall. "I uh, I punched the wall." What? Why would I tell him? He doesn't care...

"Why would you punch the wall? Did it offend you somehow?" He looked genuinely confused and concerned, and I had to smile.

"No, Tamaki. I was just frustrated." I said it quietly, almost whispering.

He looked up at me, his violet eyes meeting mine. "Why are you frustrated?"

"I'm not anymore. I'm sorry about the glass." I looked down, blushing. My hand was still in his, his fingers lightly caressing the edge of my bruises.

He saw him smile in the corner of my eye. "It's alright, it can be replaced. You did act kind of harshly, though." He pulled my hand up, blowing gently on the small burn my cigarette had caused. "Why?"

I avoided his gaze, trying to decide whether to tell him or not. "I- I was jealous. You were flirting with all those girls, and then that... Sakura was acting like you were hers..." I licked my lips and look up, into his eyes once more.

"You were jealous? Why?" I pushed away my annoyance at the idiot-ness of the boy in front of me.

"Because I- I like you, Tamaki. I wanted to be the one in your arms, not her."

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