Chapter Thirty: Mimiyashi

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~Author's note: just a warning, Tamaki may seem a bit OOC here... I apologize, but it was necessary to bring out his serious side that is usually outshined by his air headedness.

Thanks for understanding!

~Alana 💙

"Let me go!" I pushed and pulled, trying to get away from the impossibly strong high school student. His arms were like steel beams entwined with steel cords. My vision blurred against my will, tears filling my eyes before streaming down my cheeks to drip off my chin. I grit my teeth and growled, trying to get away and miserably failing. "Leave him alone!"

"He's the cause of all this. Why would I leave him alone?" The man in front of me sneered, his dead eyes glinting in the dying light. He turned to the boy in question and took hold of a handful of his hair, yanking his head back so hard his neck strained. "Isn't that right, Tamaki-kun?"

Maybe I should explain.

It all started during the time Chihaya-chan and Asuka-senpai were avoiding the Host Club. I was too, keeping to the roof while Sazuki did his thing. I never was able to stay alone, though. That Jo guy kept coming up, chatting away about annoying things and smoking a few cigarettes before leaving again. It got to the point where I would just ignore him, letting him run his mouth. Alls I really picked up was that he was in a "D" class and his father was high-up in the Yakuza.

Not really sure why he told me all that but whatever.

One particularly cloudy day, he was leaning against the wall by the door, smoking his second cigarette. I was working on my first, taking awhile between hits to look out over the grounds. Even the area around the school looked bleak, the colours faded. Then, I felt a drop of cold wetness on my nose. Another, and another, and I looked up as the heavens opened up and dumped a cold, sharp rain on our heads. We both bolted for the door, and I beat him inside. I shook off my hair, wiping my clothes as best as I could before heading towards Music Room 3.

"Where are you headed?" Jo followed behind me like a lost puppy.

"No where you need to know." I clipped at him, feeling extra annoyed from getting soaked. I wrapped my hair around my wrist in an attempt to wring the water out. Failed.

"Hey, I'm just curious is all." He sounded like he was pouting, and when I glanced back I found I was right.

I rolled my eyes and stopped at the double doors of the dreaded clubroom, sighing as I opened them. Like usual, light and rose petals poured out, and I managed to duck and avoid the onslaught of floral death. I walked in and went to the window, sitting on the sill like usual. Jo followed me and leaned against the window.

"So, is this what you've been avoiding all this time?" He sounded smug, and I ignored him. "I don't blame you. Suoh is a buffoon."

I frowned at him, suddenly angry instead of annoyed. "No he's not, he's actually really sincere."

Then why has he been ignoring you instead of just rejecting or accepting your feelings?

I shook off the thought and glanced at the blond, who was leaning towards one of his customers. My frown deepened.

"Right. He is, I'll give you that. But he's a complete idiot." Jo studied his nails, running his tongue over his teeth. "And a liar."

I swung my gaze back onto the boy next to me, my jaw twitching. "No he's not! You're demented. You wouldn't understand anyway, you're.." I waved my hand, not finishing my statement. I was glaring at him now, my hands clenched in fists at my sides.

Jo sneered back and pushed off the window, his eyes flashing in anger. "Right. Cause I'm from the lower class, right?" he shook his head and glanced at me. I raised my eyebrow, crossing my arms. "Whatever. I don't want to be around stuck up bi-"

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