Chapter Twenty-one: Asuka

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I sat with Yui and her younger brother in their new apartment, eating the cheesecake I had gotten her for her birthday. She had insisted I have some, even though it was for her. Leo munched on a piece as well, giggling like he does. 

"I'm so glad you two are safe. I was worried..." I trailed off, not sure how to express my relief. 

"Oh, it's nothing. We're okay now." Yui smiled, eating another bite of her treat. "Let's watch a movie!"

I laughed, glad that my best friend was happy. "Sure, which movie?"

"Frozen!" Both bluenettes shouted, raising their hands above their heads.

I laughed again, shaking my head. "I shouldn't have even asked." I smiled and put the DVD in the player, then proceeded to watch as they both sang along to most of the movie. After a few more movies, we all passed out in Yui's room. 

The next morning, I invited the two to my estate, and we took a car. Leo pressed his face against the window and watched the scenery fly by. "Ne, Asuka, isn't that Tamaki-kun's cousin?" Yui pointed towards a girl at the front door.

The car parked and we got out, just as the girl turned around. Just like Yui said, it was Chihaya-chan. "Chihaya-chan?" I tilted my head a bit, curious as to why she was here. Then I noticed her tears. "Chi-chan, what's wrong?"

"Onee-chan!" She ran into me, wrapping her arms around my waist. 

"Um, Chi-chan..." I hugged her back, and then lead her and the others into the estate. I brought the up to my suite and ordered a maid to bring us refreshments. "Why are you here?" I sat on my sofa with Chi-chan next to me, sipping sweet tea.

She sniffed and crunched on a cookie, avoiding my gaze. "I ran away from home 'cause Tama-chan is being mean."

"I'm sure he doesn't mean to be mean. He really cares for you, you know." I patted her head and looked to Yui. She shrugged and handed her brother a cookie. 'Well, she's no help...' "Chihaya, you know you have to go home, right? Tamaki is going to be very worried."

She sniffed again and looked up at me. "But-"

"Chihaya, what if Tamaki were to run away and you didn't know where he went?" I tried a different tactic. 

"I would be very scared and worried." she mumbled, pouting.

"Right. So, do you have a number for Tamaki so that I can call him and let him know you're okay?" I rubbed her back, pulling out my cellphone. 

She gave me the number, then put her hand over the phone. "Are you going to tell Tama-chan that you're his sister?"

I stilled, not knowing how to answer. I looked over at Yui, who was giving me the 'we'll talk later' look, and licked my lips. "Ah, well..."

"You're going to have to eventually, right? Why not now?" I sighed. She had a point.

"Yea, alright." I dialed the number and held my breath until he answered. 

"Hello?" he sounded distracted.

"Ah, Suoh Tamaki? This is ... Suoh Asuka. Um, I have Chihaya here with me..."

"CHIHAYA?! IS SHE OKAY??! WHY DID YOU RUN AWAY CHI-CHAN!?" I pulled the phone away from my ear, wincing at the sharp loudness.

"Y-yea, she's okay. Why don't you come over to talk with her, she's pretty upset?" I gave him my address, and hung up. Chihaya was still pouting. "Hey, cheer up! I'll help you out, okay?" 

She nodded, and not ten minutes later, my butler was showing the whole rest of the Host club to my suite. I paled, not really wanting to reveal my secret to them all. Ootori-kun caught my eye, and I gulped. I supposed I couldn't back out now.

"CHIHAYA! WHERE HAVE YOU BEEN!? WHY DID YOU LEAVE, I WAS SO WORRIED!" Tamaki scooped Chi-chan up and spun her around, crying dramatically. She squirmed out of his arms and hid behind me on the sofa. "Chi-chan? What's wrong?"

"Nothing's wrong. You're being mean. I just wanna do stuff by myself but you never let me." Chi-han mumbled, her face to my back. "I'm not sick or fragile. I'm just smaller than I should be. But I can do stuff. I can make my own decisions about my hair." I held back a laugh. So this is what is was all about?

"Chihaya... I'm sorry. I guess I was trying to keep you protected. But I can't always be right there, can I?" I smiled as he sat down. "If you wanna cut your hair, I won't stop you."

"Really?" Chi-chan peeked her head out, and he nodded. "Yay! Thank you thank you thank you!" She leaped out and landed in his lap, hugging him tight. I laughed along with everyone, allowing myself to relax. 

I turned to the twins, curious. "Kaoru-kun, Hikaru-kun, how is your sister?"

Kaoru-kun smiled, and my heart skipped a bit. "She's doing better. She had insisted we spend the day with the Host Club, actually. We haven't done much else but hang around the house." he shrugged, looking a bit sheepish.

"Well, I'm glad to hear she's doing better. When she collapsed, a lot of us were worried." I smiled, sipping more of the sweet tea I held in my hands.

"Asuka-senpai, why do you have a picture of me and my parents?" I heard Tamaki's voice, and I felt my face drain all the colour. I stood up and went to my shelf that held the pictures and looked at them fondly.

"I only have pictures of my family. It would be a little strange to have pictures of other people's families." I trailed a finger down the picture of our parents. 

"Wait, how could my parents and me...." he trailed off, trying to piece it all together. "Your full name is Suoh Asuka...."

I gulped again, and Chi-chan came to stand next to me, holding my hand. I squeezed her hand tighter and took a deep breath. "We were separated at birth. I was sent to Mother's uncle to be raised in England. I'm your twin sister, Tamaki." I watched his face for his reaction.

His face went carefully blank as he stared at the pictures, then at me. "Everyone, we're leaving. Now." He spun around and grabbed Chi-chan's arm, pulling her away from me.

"Tama-chan! That hurts! What's wrong, why can't I stay here and play with Onee-chan?" I spun around as everyone but Yui and Leo left the room, not sure how to react to this. Chihaya somehow managed to pull away and run back, throwing her arms around me. "Onee-chan! I'm sorry, I thought he would take it better!"

I hugged her tight as tears developed. "It's not your fault, Chi-chan." I looked up and caught the eye of Kaoru-kun, and I pleaded with him silently. 'It wasn't my choice to stay quiet....'

Hikaru showed up and touched Chi-chan's shoulder. "Chihaya-chan, Tamaki is getting impatient."

I watched as the three left, and slipped to the floor once they were gone. I sobbed into Yui while Leo hugged my arm. I was very confused about what had just happened.

A/N: thanks to my best friend for help when I got stuck! Be prepared for drama coming up!! XD

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