Chapter Twenty-five: Misaki

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I was walking through the park when I saw a kid get pushed down. She was shorter than my sister, with really long blonde hair. I ran over to her and stood behind her, recognizing the bullies as kids from my school. "Hey! Leave her alone guys!" I scowled, staring them down until they left. "Are you alright?"

I reached down to help her stand. "Yea. Thanks." She dusted off her jeans and sweater, which looked to be too big on her. Yet, she looked absolutely adorable in it and her cat-ear ear muffs.

"My name's Fujioka Misaki. I'm a third year middle schooler." I held out my hand and she took it and shook.

"I'm Suoh Chihaya, first year high schooler." She grinned. Wait, she's older than me?? "Are you related to Fujioka Haruhi?"

I was a little surprised she knew that name. "Yea. That's my older sister. How do you know her?"

She giggled. "She's in my class and in my cousin's club at school."

"Suoh... Suoh Tamaki is your cousin?" I tilted my head to the side, adjusting my bag on my shoulder.

She nodded, putting her hands behind her back. "Mm-hmm. Haru-chan told you about him?"

I snorted and covered my mouth while nodding. "She lets you call her that?" Haru-nee hated nicknames.

"Uh-huh. Honey-senpai too." She stood on her feet flat and leaned forward a bit.

I glanced behind her and frowned a bit. "Do you have somewhere to go? I don't think they'll leave you alone." those kids were all hanging around, probably waiting for me to leave her alone.

She looked where I was looking and paled, sighing as she turned back around. "Yea. I guess I can go back to school where my cousin and friends are."

I nodded once and adjusted my bag, deciding to walk her there. "Okay! Lead the way, I'll make sure those bakas don't mess with you again."

We walked in silence most of the time, or at least she did. I chattered away about random stuff that I don't really remember. Until we got to the school, anyway. "Um, Misa-chan, you do know that Haru-chan is disguised as a boy here, right?"

I busted out laughing, clutching my stomach. "Yea I know that!" I straightened up after a minute and wiped my eyes. "She dresses in the boy's uniform in the mornings."

She lead me to a room in the school. Once we got there, she pushed the door open and stepped back while petals flew out. I immediately spotted my sister and went to her. "Haru-nii!" I managed to call it out smoothly, much to my surprise.

"Misaki! What are you doing here?" Haruhi blinked up at me and I grinned.

"I met Chihaya-senpai in the park and rescued her from some bullies." I shrugged, twirling my hair around my finger. I studied the girls around her, noting that they were actually really cute.

"Haruhi-kun, who's this?" one of the girls asked, her eyes wide with curiosity.

"Oh. Girls, this is my younger sister, Fujioka Misaki." Haruhi smiled a little, and I bowed a bit.

"Nice to meet you!" I adjusted my bag on my shoulder again and grinned. "I don't mean to keep you or rush you, but when are you going to head home?" I looked at my sister, my head tilted.

"In a couple hours. I can ask Kyoya-senpai if you can wait for me here, if you'd like." She waved her hand at a tall boy in glasses, who was writing in a notebook. I nodded vigorously, excited at the thought of observing my sister at work. She got up and went to talk with him, and then came back shortly. "He says as long as you don't disturb the customers you can sit with me."

"Yay!" I waved at glasses-guy in thanks and sat down near Haruhi to watch the magic.

Which was boring, to say the least. Finally, it was over and the left over people were just the host members, staying for a meeting. "You're Haru-chan's sister, aren't you?" I turned to see a little blonde boy staring at me with curious brown eyes. I nodded, not all that surprised that he knew who I was. "You want some cake?" He held out a piece of the sweet treat, and I perked up a bit.

"Yes please!" I grinned, taking the offered confection from him. It smelled so good, but I was extremely bored. Since I was sitting on a sofa, I stood and made my way to a table, "tripping" on the way and sending my cake flying through the air. I yelled out, landing on my hands and knees on the floor. The cake ended up splatting on the head of a really tall quiet guy. He turned around slowly, fixing his eyes on me. I gulped, pushing myself up to sit. Another guy quickly moved between me and the quiet guy, staring him down silently.

"Are you okay, Takashi??" the little blonde ran to the tall guy and produced a towel. "Here, I'll help you wipe it off."

While those two were distracted, the second tallish guy turned around and grabbed my arm, pulling me up and dragging me out of the room. I tried to pull away, but his grip tightened.

"Lemme go you perv!" I squirmed, and he ended up making me sit down on the ground of the roof. "What the hell are you tying to do?!"

"Just shut up a minute, kid!" he scowled at me and turned so he could see me and the door.

"Me shut up?! I don't even know you and you just dragged me out here against my will!" I almost flinched back when his gaze landed in me, his eyes were kinda scary."I'll tell my sister..."

"Misaki! Stop yelling at Sazuki-senpai! He was just trying to help. And what was that back there? I know you did that on purpose!" Haru-nee appeared on the roof, yelling at me instantly.

I felt my eyes water up as I looked up at her. "You're defending him over me? I'm your sister..." I mumbled that bit, not really wanting to get into that. I had more important things to talk about. "I didn't do it on purpose! I tripped and fell! Why do you always think the worse of me?"

"Because you always do the worse! I was trying to be nice to you today, but you had to mess it up like always!" She stepped closer. "Why don't you just stop being stupid and go away!"

I stood slowly and looked at her, watched as this guy I didn't know comforted her. How close were they anyway? My cheeks were flushed, and I was close to breaking down. "You never spend any time with me. If you hate me just say so." I pushed past the two and left as quick as I could. If she wanted me gone, I'd go.

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