Chapter Twenty-two: Mimiyashi

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I followed Tamaki out of Asuka-senpai's house, confused as to why he was so angry. She had to have had her reasons for not telling him sooner, right? He grabbed my arm as I started to follow Sazuki to the limo we had shared with our brothers, and pulled me to his and Chihaya's limo. No one else followed, except for Chihaya of course.

I slouched in my seat in the limo, biting my lip. I had mixed feelings about all this business, but then again it wasn't even any of my business. I studied Tamaki as we rode, noticing that he was more hurt and confused than angry. I didn't know how to fix it, so I just sat still.

"Driver, please take us to the school." Tamaki leaned forward to talk to the driver, then sat back, closer to me than he was before. He buried his face in my shoulder, putting his arms around me. I felt my face heat up to the close proximity, and I was suddenly glad it was just us and Chihaya in this limo. I had confessed my feelings to him a few weeks ago at the Christmas party, but he had never said anything back. He'd been called away for some business suddenly, and left me in the dark. Was this his way of answering my feelings? Or did he just want to be comforted by the one person he knew wouldn't betray him?

This liking him thing was confusing.

Once we pulled up to the school, Chihaya jumped out quickly and ran to her friends. She had been avoiding Tamaki and Kyoya for the last few weeks, and hanging around those twins and Mitsukuni-nii and Takashi-nii. Once Tamaki and I were out of the limo, he moved away from me, heading to the school. I instantaneously felt cold, and I was disappointed. I shuffled over to Sazuki and followed the rest of the Host Club (and Chihaya) into the school and to Music Room 3. Once everyone was settled, Tamaki grinned and was back to his idiotic normal self.

"I've been thinking, we should have a couple days a week with hostesses! That would give Mimiyashi-chan and Chi-chan something to do!" He threw his arms out dramatically, and I frowned.

""Good idea, Boss!"" the twins held up their thumbs in agreement. Chihaya scowled, apparently not liking this idea anymore than me.

"I don't want to host, Tama-chan." she spoke up, crossing her arms and walking to stand next to me. I crossed my arms too and nodded.

"Me niether. Seems like a lot of work."

"It would bring us more customers." Ootori Kyoya nodded, writing in that damn notebook of his. "Even some of the girls have been requesting to see Chihaya-chan."

I sighed and turned around, heading for the door. "Whatever. Do what you want. I need some air." I left the room and headed up for the roof, pulling out the pack of cigarettes I had in my pocket. Thankfully, nobody followed me. I pulled one out and stuck it in my mouth while I searched for a lighter, only to have one light up suddenly in my face. I blinked and used it, then turned to see who it was that offered.

He was blonde but Asian, wearing faded jeans, a black t, a beanie and converse. He was smoking too, a smirk on his lips. "What's a pretty girl like you doin' out here with a sad look on your face?" he leaned against the wall, taking a drag of his cig.

I took a drag of my own cig, blowing out the smoke slowly. "Why should I tell you?" I glanced at him and leaned back.

He chuckled and looked around. "Just curious." He smirked again and shifted his feet. "I'm Jo." He held out his hand and I ignored him. "Your name is...?"

I took another hit of my cig and blew it out. "None of your business."

He snorted, shaking his head. "Namaiki*..." he finished his cigarette and stomped it out on the roof floor. "See you later, Namaiki!" He threw his hand up in a wave as he left.

I finished my cigarette soon after and went back in, only to discover they had decided on adding hostesses twice a week to test out the idea.


I shuffled to the kitchen later on in my pjs, looking for a snack. I found Mitsukuni-nii scarfing cake down like most nights. I rummaged around and found a pack of sugar cookies, then joined my older brother at the table. I munched quietly for a bit until he interrupted the silence.

"Mimi-chan, you okay?" He actually looked concerned.

"Ah. Um, yea. I'm just... confused about something." I tried to shrug it off.

"You know you can tell me anything, right?" he blinked at me, his serious voice not matching his bunny pyjamas and cake on his cheeks.

"Yea. Just... I- I confessed my feelings to- to someone a bit ago. And he hasn't... He hasn't answered me yet." I felt my face heat up, and my eyes teared up. I studied the half eaten cookie in my hand to avoid his gaze.

"Oh. That's not very nice. Want me to beat him up?" He bit into another piece of cake, still very serious.

I cracked a smile and wiped my eyes, shaking my head. "No, Mitsukuni-nii. Thank you though. It's just that, he never answered me but he keeps... He hugs me sometimes and then he ignores me like I don't exist."

Mitsukuni-nii frowned, putting his fork down. "Who is it? I don't like this guy. He needs to be taught some manners."

I shook my head again. "Please don't! That's why I won't tell you his name! I don't want him hurt."

He was quiet for a minute, then he picked his fork up again, smiling. "Okay! But let me know if he hurts you, kay Mimi-chan?"

I smiled and nodded. "Yea, thanks Mitsukuni-nii." he was back to his normal cute self. Thank god.

~~~*Namaiki means cheeky in Japanese. From a few different sources, so if its wrong so are three different websites...

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