Chapter Twenty-nine: Asuka

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Tears streamed down my face as I threw the frames as hard as I could. How could they?! They had willingly given me up, with the excuse that they couldn't handle two of us. So they separated me from my brother, and he didn't even care! I threw anything that my hand came into contact with, mostly pictures. The only one I left alone was Chi-chan's. She was the only one who cared.

"Asuka?! What-" I felt hands on my arm, and I barely registered that it was Yui. "What's going on?" She pulled me up and lead me to a disheveled sofa and sat me down.

"They sent me away, Yui! They didn't want me! And now my own brother hates me!" I broke down and sobbed, and she wrapped her arms around me. "Why am I so undesirable?"

She grabbed my hand and I flinched a bit at a sharp pain. "Asuka! You're hurt... Wait here, I'll go get some bandages." She got up and ran to my bathroom, and I heard the doorbell go off.

I wandered downstairs, wanting to answer the door myself. "Onee-chan!" It was Chi-chan, and she leaped into me and hugged my torso. Behind her were the Hitachiin twins.

"Chi-chan! Kaoru-kun, Hikaru-kun!" I hugged her back.

"Ah. Yo. Chi-chan missed you a lot, so we brought her over." Hikaru explained as we went inside.

"Plus, we miss you at the club, Asuka-senpai." Kaoru smirked, shutting the door. "You're my favourite customer."

I felt my face heat up a bit. "What are you guys doing here?" Yui appeared suddenly, sounding surprised.

"Chihaya-chan and Kaoru wanted to see Asuka-senpai." Hikaru explained. "What are you doing here?"

"I'm her best friend, and I was worried." Yui shrugged. "Her hand is bleeding. I was going to wrap it up..." I bit my lip.

"What! Onee-chan, you're bleeding?!" Chihaya-chan pushed away from me and grabbed my hand.

Which I pulled back. "I- It's just a scratch..."

"What happened in here?" one twin spoke up, moving farther into the estate.

"It was a lot cleaner..." the other twin followed.

""Last time we were here."" they both spoke.

I stayed quiet, and Chihaya-chan followed the boys. "Onee-chan, where's your room? I don't remember." my cousin wandered towards the stairs, and we all followed silently. I was nervous about how she would react to the mess... She opened the door and went in. She looked up at me with tears in her eyes."Onee-chan, why...?"

I couldn't hold back anymore, and I broke down, spilling everything. "I- I was r- reading through an old f- file and m- my parents... They gave me away! Th- they couldn't handle t- two of us." Yui and Chi-chan were immediately by my side. They both put their arms around me and led me into my bedroom. Yui cleaned and bandaged my wound, and Chi-chan made me lie down, tucking the blanket in around me. I cried a bit and calmed down after a few minutes.

"Take me to Suoh-kun." I heard Yui say, and I watched her leave abruptly.

Chi-chan left after Yui, followed by the older twin. I turned my head and started to cry again, not able to hold it in.

"Asuka-senpai..." Kaoru suddenly climbed onto the bed, stretching out beside me. "Please don't cry. We'll work everything out." He gently brushed a lock of hair out of my face, leaning over to kiss my forehead. My cheeks flamed up instantly. He cuddled up to me, holding me close and whispering sweet nothings in my ear. I fell asleep I think, because when I opened my eyes next, I was alone.

It was morning, so I dressed for school. I went through the day in a daze, not able to concentrate on my studies. By lunch time, I had ended up in a dark fog of depression. I sat alone with my lunch, staring out the window. The breeze blew through the trees, yet it looked dull to me.

"Asuka..." I glanced up to see none other than Tamaki hovering over the table I occupied. "May I sit?" He looked like he hadn't gotten much sleep, and he sounded devastated. I nodded, looking back out the window. "I read the file... I didn't know that they had given you away..." Yui must have given it to him. My eyes teared up, and I bit my lip. "I'm sorry I treated you so horribly. I was confused. I didn't understand why you would keep that from me for so long. Will you forgive me?"

I looked back at him, searching his eyes for sincerity, finding it. I nodded. "Yes. I forgive you." I smiled, a weight lifting off my chest. "I just wasn't sure how to tell you, and then I read that file..."

He was beside me in a heartbeat, hugging me. "Its okay! I would have done what you did if it were me!"

I jumped a bit, not expecting the sudden display of affection. Then I was crying again, relieved that he didn't, in fact, hate me. I clutched onto my brother, letting out all the emotion I had been keeping bottled up.

The rest of school went by a little better, and after it was over I went to the Host Club. As soon as Tamaki saw me, he ran to me and gushed about how we were twins.

"Isn't she adorable? My little sister!" I managed to escape, secretly pleased at his attention. I made my way to Chi-chan first, hugging her close.

"Onee-chan? Are you okay?" I looked down at her and nodded. "Good."

I stuck around for awhile, but left early. I wasn't feeling too well so I went home, heading straight to my suite. I went to bed without eating, clutching a picture of the Host Club and Chi-chan. Maybe it'll be better tomorrow...

A/N: gah! Sorry its short... Thanks to HollyGummybear for helping when I got stuck! Again... XD

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