Chapter Seventeen: Sazuki ✘

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A/n: the picture is what Sazuki-kun is wearing. XD

Sazuki ✘

Why do I have to be here? I loosened my tie and scowled, until I felt my older brother's gaze on me. I managed to loose the scowl, but I left my tie alone. I stayed near the door, leaning against the wall. I flirted with some of the girls, doing my job as a Host. I didn't officially start until the next week, but I was actually having fun with this.

I noticed the other guys gathered around Fujioka and wandered closer to hear what they were saying.

"A gorgeous party doesn't mean anything to you, huh Haruhi?" One of the twins was saying.

"Oh man, no fun." The other one sighed, seeming disappointed. I rolled my eyes.

Otori crossed his arms. "Well, why don't you just eat something then? They're high class foods."

Haruhi hesitated, a thoughtful look settling onto her face. "High class foods?" I watched as she blinked, finding her expression adorable. "Like... fancy tuna?"

I snickered as the guys all immediately reacted, freaking out. But then they didn't let her go, and something unpleasant boiled in my chest.

"It's just food. Don't you have access to sushi, Fujioka?" I ran a hand through my hair, frowning.

She scowled and shoved past the guys, headed to the dance floor. "Shut up."

I smirked, the unpleasant feeling dissipating as she walked away. The guys continued their ranting, calling for sushi and such. I stuck my hands in my pants pockets, shaking my head.

I need a smoke... I headed towards the hall, and slipped outside for a smoke. When I was finished, I went back in and passed a classroom. All of the Host members were gathered inside, excluding myself and the girls that usually hang around them. I passed by them without looking in, not interested in the game they were playing right then. I wasn't interested in anything right then, so I just wandered around the halls.

I found a couple of first year boys trying to sneak around. "Where do you think you're going?" I scowled and yanked on the backs of their jackets.

"Ah! Morinozuka-senpai!" I recognized one boy as one I bullied often, a smaller kid, with black hair and freckles. "I- we left something i- in the classroom..." his dark eyes were full of fear, and I smirked, shoving him forward. He fell to his knees, and his friend helped him up.

"You have eight seconds to get out of my sight." I scowled again, not really feeling like messing with these two. They scampered off and I sighed, continuing my wandering.

As I wandered, I thought to myself for a bit. What was that unpleasant feeling before? I've been getting it a lot lately, whenever I watched... I stopped walking for a moment, shaking my head.

No. Impossible! I don't like Fujioka. She's expressionless, she doesn't care about anything really. Except when she's angry, and her face gets that pink tint and that expression... I scoffed, slumping against the wall. "Even if I liked her, she wouldn't like a guy like me." I shook my head again, running a hand through my hair. I was a bully, a rebel. A girl like her would never like a guy like me. I decided to drop the issue and turned to finish my trek when I heard voices coming from the classroom nearby, class 2-C.

"I'm very happy about this letter, but I cannot answer your feelings." A boy was rejecting someone... I smirked and went in farther, to see who was who. "I already have someone in mind, and she's important to me." I managed to sneak in without being spotted and recognized the boy from before; he had been the boy in the clinic.

I looked around to see who the girl was. "Who would confess to a boring guy like him?" I mumbled, finally recognizing the girl standing in front of the boy. It was Fujioka, a long wig on, I assumed, and in a dress and heels.

The boy continued, looking very serious. "Even though she already became disgusted with me. She'll have a gorgeous, high self-esteemed guy." I grit my teeth, that unpleasant feeling back. I stewed about it for a moment, tuning out what was being said.

Haruhi is a good girl, why should he reject her? Wait, why do I even care? I could never even confess....

Then; "Maybe it's a selfish wish, but I hope she waits for me."

"That's really selfish." Haruhi's voice was blunt and to the point, and I grinned. "You didn't even try to tell her your feelings, so there's no way she'll understand it." I listened intently to what she was saying, my heart pounding in my head. "You've already decided, what's the use of not telling her? A person can change. At the moment when the person wishes to change."

A person can change... huh.

"You..." the boy leaned forward, reaching for Haruhi. I started to leave my hiding place. Of course he would change his mind.

"Kanako!" The boy spun and ran after a girl who was running away crying.

"Kasugasaki-san?!" Haruhi seemed shocked and turned to chase after the two, her wig falling off. "Wait... Kasugasaki-san, it's a misunderstanding..."

Haruhi slipped on her shoes, and I rushed forward to catch her. "Haruhi! Are you okay?" I held her close for a few seconds, and I felt my face heat up.

"Wha- yeah..." she pushed away a bit, testing her ankle. She lost her balance again, and my heart skipped at the look of pain that crossed her face. I pulled her close and went to the window, where a desk was pushed up close.

"Here..." I lifted her up and set her on the desk, kneeling in front of her and taking her injured foot in my hands. The skin was already bruising, and I looked up into her face. "I think it might be sprained." I stood up and turned away from her. "I'll uh, I'll help you to the clinic, if you'd like." Wow, her shocked expression is cute too...

"Why?" She asked, and I turned to her again.

"Because you're injured." My heart sped up, and I stepped closer, only noticing when my legs bumped her knees. I licked my lips and looked down into her eyes, managing to keep my hands at my sides.

She shook her head. "Why do you care? You're always making fun of me. I thought you hated me."

I blushed and shook my head, leaning forward slightly and placing my hands on the desk on either side of her. "Haruhi, don't you know? Boys tend to tease the girls they like."

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