Chapter Sixteen: Chihaya ♡

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Chihaya ♡

I had just finished my bath. I dressed in a purple pair of pyjama pants and a plain white tank. My towel draped down my back, keeping my jammies dry. Then I grabbed my brush and left my room, looking for someone to help me with my hair. Mama used to, but...

I padded through the hall to Tama-chan's room, knocking on the door when I got there. "Tama-chan? Will you help me with my hair?"

"Chi-chan?" I walked in to find my cousin sitting at his desk, a few open books on it's surface. He was dressed in a dark blue pyjama set. He stood up and smiled at me. "You'll catch a cold, leaving your hair wet."

I wrinkled my nose. "I tried to dry it. It's so long, it takes awhile. Maybe I should just cut it."

He shook his head and motioned me forward, taking my towel and working at my hair. "No, don't cut it. We have maids to help you with it."

I wrinkled my nose as he rubbed at my hair with the towel. "Mama and Papa never had maids. It's weird."

He was quiet for a moment, and he started pulling the brush through my hair, starting at the ends. "You'll get used to it."

I stayed quiet hand fiddled with the hem of my tank. "Tama-chan, when is Mama and Papa coming back?"

I felt his hands still, and he whispered. "I don't know."


All week I argued with Tama-chan about cutting my hair. I don't know why he was so adamant about keeping my hair so long. I had to wake up extra early to have a maid help me brush out the tangles, and I kept dozing in school.

A few days before the Christmas Ball, I was woken suddenly at my desk by Hikaru-kun. "Chihaya-chan, it's lunch time!" He grinned down at me, his hand still on my shoulder. Haru-chan and Kaoru-kun stood nearby.

"Oh. Thank you for waking me, Hikaru-kun." I smiled and rubbed my eyes, standing up.

"How can you tell I'm Hikaru?" I looked up and he seemed surprised.

I tilted my head. "You sound different." I shrugged. "I can't really explain it." I stretched and yawned, turning towards the door. "Let's go eat, I'm hungry." I grabbed Haru-chan's hand and dragged her with me, laughing at her reluctance to join us in the cafeteria.

Once the twins and I had our food, we sat with the rest of the Host Club and Michiyo-san. I sat between Haru-chan and Tama-chan while I ate.

"Chi-chan, why were you guys so late to lunch?" Tama-chan asked around a mouthful of food.

I shrugged and pushed my veggies around the plate. "I fell asleep in class." I said it quietly, trying to mumble.

He heard me anyway. "You were sleeping in class? Are you not feeling well?" he placed his hand on my back. "I can get the car to take you home early if you're not feeling well. Ever since you came home from the hospital..."

I scowled and shrugged away from him, making a picture with my food. "I got up too early. I was tired, not sick."

"Why were you tired?" He sounded genuinely confused, and I glared at him.

"Because I have to get up extra early just to get the tangles out of my hair. So I haven't been getting a lot of sleep. Because you won't let me cut my hair."

He blinked, shocked that I had raised my voice a bit. "It would be a waste to cut it. It's so beautiful..." he played with a lock of my hair as he spoke.

"But it's too much to take care of!" I stood up and pushed my plate back. "I don't want it anymore, I want it short! It's my hair, I should be able to do what I want to it!"

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