Chapter Four - More Bandits

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A petite blonde, who was seated behind a wooden desk stood up at our approach and gave us a smile.

"Oliver!" She almost sang.

"Hey Gwen," Oliver grinned in amusement, like he was enjoying his own private joke.

Gwen seemed to notice us and quickly adjusted her glasses on her nose.

"In need of assistance?" She asked converting into professional mode.

I opened my mouth to answer until Oliver grabbed my wrist, making me stop to shake him off.

"A place for them to stay, firstly," Oliver said.

Gwen frowned in thought and turned away to open a large file cabinet. I heard the shuffling of papers and rolled my eyes. After a few seconds of continuous flipping through all the pages, Gwen ripped one out and made a tiny sound of success.

"Three people, yeah?" Gwen confirmed, not taking her eyes off the piece of paper in her hands.

"Well," Oliver smirked, "Two and a quarter."

Zoey frowned at him which he answered with a grin.

"Okay, well," Gwen started before a blood curling scream echoed through the air, immediately cutting her off. Everyone in the room froze for a second before Oliver swore viciously and bolted out of the room.

"NO!" Gwen cried out when she realised I was about to follow him, "Stay here, it's safe."

I grabbed the gun I had stolen, which was strapped to my back and cocked it.

"You stay here," I muttered to her angrily, "You too," I sighed to Zoey in a kinder voice.

Ava reached for her gun as well and gave me a nod, brown eyes strangely frightened and then we both ran out of the room after Oliver.


Outside, everyone was running desperately towards and past the building, heading for the distant parking lot behind it. I glanced down the road to the wall and was surprised to see people on top, jumping over it. At first, I relaxed until one landed on the inside of the walls borders and started shooting at the people running. I flattened myself against the wall of the records room and Ava followed my movements. Catching her eye, I pointed across the street and sprinted across. I heard one of the men jumping the wall give a shout and I felt bullets fly past my body.

With a dive, I threw myself behind the low fence that surrounded the houses front lawn and ducked there, crawling to a safer spot. I looked back across the street to see Ava tensed, debating whether she should come after me or not. I shook my head in answer and pointed at the records building. She frowned but nodded and disappeared inside. I knew she would protect Zoey until her last breath.

Knowing I was on my own, I continued across the front lawn, pressed against the now many bullet holed fence. I reached the gate that led into the backyard and prayed that it would open before I carefully reached for the latch. I pulled it and sighed in frustration when it didn't open. And then from down the street I heard approaching voices and winced when I realised that these weren't friendly voices.

I looked around and realised there was no way out of this. In a desperate attempt, I gripped the lock again and tried to open it with no avail.

"No," I whispered, leaning against the gate, facing the front yard, aiming my gun at where I knew the men would appear in a few seconds. I heard there voices creeping closer and I gripped my gun closer to my body.

And then I saw the first head appear and hesitated for a second. I realised quickly I couldn't kill a human. But that second of hesitation was too long and I saw more appear, too many for me to take on. I gripped my gun closer until my knuckles were white and had my finger on the trigger. I was about to pull it when the gate suddenly opened and I fell backwards with a loud, muffled squeal of fear. I felt my body get shoved away and the gate was swung shut.

I looked up to see Oliver's face, hardened of all emotion as he held his finger up to his lip in a 'shushing' gesture. We both waited in silence, frozen as we waited for the voices to fade from earshot.

After a few minutes of quiet, I pulled myself into a sitting position and locked eyes with Oliver.

"What's going on?" I asked frantically, trying to keep my voice low.

"We're at war," He answered sadly.

I tried to keep the surprised look off my face. "With who?"


I shivered at his word use, knowing too well that it was similar to what I used to be.

"They keep coming," Oliver continued, not noticing my reaction, "Each attack is worse than the last."

"What will they do?" I wondered.

"Roll through town," He replied quickly, "Kill anyone they see and steal anything of worth. The follow the road that goes from wall to wall and just jump the other side."

"That's horrific," I murmured.

Oliver nodded in agreement.

"Shouldn't we do something?" I asked.

Oliver quickly shook his head. "We'd lose too many."

I let out a sigh and propped my gun up against a wall. Wrapping my arms around my knees, I glanced up at Oliver who was staring at the floor. With one hand I reached out and grabbed one of his. The sadness on his face vanished and he gave me a genuine smile. Not a grin or smirk. A smile, which I returned.

Then, the oddly happy moment shattered when I heard a menacing voice call, "I know you're here. Come out, come out."

My grip on Oliver's hand tightened and I watched as his face returned to that incredibly sad look he had.

"Sorry," He mouthed silently.


Finally, the action has come! :3! And yes, I'm trying to make updates frequent which means sometimes the chapters might be short. Though I am trying to keep them the same length. They all work out to be a bit less than 2 pages on word document with a font size of 10. That's not heaps, I know but it's approximately 700-1000 words so, that's cool, I guess. The whole book will continue to be this size, though, if I ever write another series, MIGHT BE LONGER OMG! :p But I don't want this series to end ever! Which is why... THERE MIGHT BE A BOOK THREE! I know what you're thinking, Lucie, why are you dragging it out, (and why are you writting so much here...) Well. I'm doing that because I love writing these books and I love annoying everyone. Hehe ;3

And also, extra pointless note. OMG THE WALKING DEAD IS OVAHHH! -so sad- ): But I've started watching Breaking Bad and I am GREATLY enjoying it ;33 After I finish it, might watch Game of Thrones!

Soz, getting off track lol.. I don't even remember what point I was trying to make. ): Whatever, hope you're enjoying!

Much love,



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