Chapter Ten - The Cells

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"So, everyone knows the plan?" I asked, glancing at everyone in the room. They all nodded in reply and Felix and Marth quickly vanished from the room. Darius waited a few minutes before following after them and Ike and I went after him.

"Sorry," Ike sighed, gripping my arms loosely, "It has to be believable."

I glanced up at him and he gave me an almost smile. His sandy blonde hair was cut quite short and his brown eyes held a sense of warmth within them.

"How'd you get stuck in this place?" I asked, allowing him to push me lightly in the direction of the prison cells.

"My father was a part of The Legends, and so was his father before him, and it goes on for quite a while," Ike replied.

I nodded in answer and we walked in silence for the rest of the journey.

Ike paused in a small, dark hallway and turned to me.

"You are okay with going back in your cell until the cameras are off?" He asked.

"No, but there's really no other way," I murmured and we walked quietly towards the cells. Just before we turned down the cell hallway itself, Ike turned to me again.

"Don't tell them the plan," Ike ordered before roughly pulling me down the hallway.

"SHAYDE!" I heard Ava scream at the sight of me.

"YOU BASTARD. WHAT THE FUCK DID YOU DO?!" Oliver yelled, banging on his bars. I attempted to look a bit weary as Ike dragged me to my cell and threw me in. Ike and I locked eyes as he shut the cell door and he gave me an amused look. He then quickly vanished, ignoring all the profanities Oliver was shouting at him.

"Shay? Are you okay? Oh my god, what did they do to you?" Ava sobbed.

"I'm okay, Ava," I assured her quietly.

"Who did this, Shayde? I'll kill them," Oliver growled dangerously.

"Relax, I'm really okay," I insisted.

"You don't look okay," I heard Winter say suspiciously.

"Trust me," I told her, putting lots of emphasis on those words. I leant against the stone back wall and slid down it to a seating position.

"We need to get out of here, Shayde," Oliver began, staring at me.

"I don't think that's possible," I sighed, "Security is really tight from what I've seen."

Oliver groaned and hit his head lightly against the bars.

"There might be a way," Winter said slowly, "You would need the help of people on the inside though." Winter eyed me carefully with her strange violet eyes.

"No one here would help," I said firmly.

"You haven't been here as long as I have. Some people are actually quite nice," Winter said back, narrowing her eyes.

I gave a large sigh and looked away from her. Everyone fell into a semi awkward silence as they looked between Winter and I. I blatantly refused to look at anyone.

We remained like this for a while until the lights in the cell hallway went out. A few seconds later, they flickered back on and Ike came running around the corner. He swiftly unlocked my cell and I bounded out.

"Quickly," He ordered, "We don't have much time." Ike handed me a spare set of keys and together, we started unlocking cells.

"Come on, we're getting out of here," I told them as they wandered awkwardly out of their cells.

Ava quickly jogged into Walter's cell and heaved him up, placing his arm around her shoulders.

"Winter, let's go," I ordered, holding out my hand to help her up. She took it gratefully and I pulled her to her feet. I felt her wobble and immediately reached out to steady her.

"You okay?" I murmured, studying her shaky form. I only had noticed now how thin and weak she was.

"Yeah," She whispered wearily, "It's just been a while."

I gave her a sympathetic look and waved Oliver over. I leant Winter against him and hurried over to Ike who was carrying a large bag.

"Here," Ike huffed, pulling out a bunch of weapons. I quickly armed myself and handed weapons to Ava and Oliver.

"No crossbow?" Oliver muttered with an almost twisted smile as he took the knife from me. I smiled in return and spun around to face Ike.

"Lead on," I told him.

Ike gestured to all of us to follow him and we obeyed, half sneaking, half running out of the cell block. We eventually reached a steel door that I recognised to be an elevator.

"Wait here," Ike ordered gruffly as he typed in a code on the side of the elevator and he waited silently. I heard the woosh sound of the elevator and Ike pushed everyone back and bent into a defensive position. I copied him and we faced the elevator doors.

They swung open and I immediately breathed a sigh of relief when I came face to face with Felix and Marth. I heard Ava give a cry of shock and I was pushed to the side as she rushed forward to embrace Felix.

"You're alive," She mumbled as she hugged him tightly.

"Of course," Felix chuckled, hugging her back.

I watched Marth place a hand on Ike's shoulder and they grinned at each other, their smiles strangely identical. I couldn't help but notice that their brown eyes were exactly the same.

"Where's Darius?" Marth asked Ike.

"He's meant to be with you," Ike said back, raising his eyebrows.

"He's not. We just assumed he was with you lot."

Both of them looked at us with an strange panicked look and Marth rushed into the elevator. I heard a spam of beeps which caused the doors to slam shut and the elevator sped away from us.


The great escape, kinda? ^^ This is two chapters in two days now. Wow. :D And a bit more on the two newbies, Ike and Marth. :O I got the names from Super Smash Bros. Brawl, because, they're cool. c;

Much love,



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