Chapter Nineteen - Crash Landing

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I felt someone give me shoulder a shake, pulling me away from my deep sleep. The sound of helicopter blades confused me for a moment until I remembered our situation.

"We're almost there, Shay," Darius murmured in my ear. I blinked at him in surprise and stretched my arms attempting to loosen the stiff feeling in my shoulders. My eyes fell on Winter who was curled up in a ball, strapped to one of the seats.

"She's so pale," I whispered, not wanting to wake her.

"She was and still is losing a lot of blood," Darius answered, "Felix is hoping that Michael will have some supplies to fix her up."

"If he did, Hunter would be okay," I sighed.

"We don't know what's wrong with him," Darius muttered harshly.

"I do," A small voice called back to us from the front of the helicopter."

"Go on?" I said quickly, peeking around to see Felix watching us.

He gave me an odd look, hesitating to answer. "I'd rather not say... Michael didn't want me to say either."

Darius sighed but didn't argue as I thought he would.

"Are we there yet?" I fake whined to Felix, trying to lift the mood. He smiled and shook his head.

"No, silly," He answered.

From the front of the helicopter, a string of profanities were screamed.


And that was the last thing I heard as the helicopter became a mess of metal and flames.



"That's right! Shay, you don't need it!"

I felt a pain in my cheek and my eyes fluttered open. Winter was staring down at me, her hand raised to hit me again.

"I know I'm interrupting," She began slowly, "But we're currently getting attacked, soooooo..."

In a rush, I jumped up, almost kneeing Winter in the face. She sighed and handed me a knife. I tested the weight for a second before flinging it into the midst of the fight. I resisted the urge to fist pump when the knife sunk into the temple of a zombie advancing on Felix. He paused for a second before pulling out the knife and tossing it back to me. I let it drop to the floor, scared that I would catch it by the blade side if I tried.

"Shayde!" Winter suddenly screamed before I felt a hand grip my ankle and I was pulled over, face planting into sand. Desperately, I reached out for my knife which has just fallen out of reach. I glanced over at Winter to see her fighting a zombie from the ground where she couldn't stand.

We were getting overpowered, I realised watching a zombie basically tackle Marth to the floor.

Directing my attention back to the hand at my ankle, I watched in almost slow motion as a zombie came closer and closer, not breaking its grip. All at once I felt the fight leave me, and I went limp, weakly trying to shake of the grip.

And that's when the zombies jaw latched onto my calf and bit in.







Okay this chapter is so short but whatever! Wanted to leave on a cliff hanger XD Because of this short chapter, the next chapter will be uploaded within an hour of this one! WOOO :D I hope you guys realise that this book is quickly coming to an end! I will discuss what I'm doing after this book on the last chapter! But yeah.

Much love



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