Chapter Twenty One - Comatose

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"She's still not waking up, Michael..."

"Hunter did. She's just fighting the infection now."

"I thought that was the antidote?"

"As close as can be. It helps the immune system against the virus."

"So, why did Hunter wake up and she hasn't?"

"I wouldn't have a clue."


"Shayde, honey. Time to open your eyes. Everyone's waiting for you. Look, the island is very dangerous but Felix fixed the radio Michael used to contact us all that time ago and he managed to get in touch with other survivors. They have a settlement... They said it's free of zombies. They said they'll try and pick us up soon. We might be finally safe. Can you imagine not looking over our shoulders all the time? Please wake up. I miss you."


I felt my eyes slide open when the smell of fresh blood filled my nose. Feeling weightless, I bounded off the low bed I was on and wildly looked around. I vaguely recognised the tiny room I was in, but I followed my nose nonetheless. The strange rusted smell grew stronger and I could almost taste it on my tongue. As I rounded the next stop, I came to a complete halt at the sight. I felt my throat contracting in pain and realised I was screaming.




"The virus does things to you before you turn. Even though the antidote is stopping her from turning, those dreams she's having are inevitable."

"They sound like fucking nightmares."

"I suppose they are. We have no choice but to wait it out. Hunter was the same, but for longer. I'm sorry you have to hear it."

"Dar, you should go... somewhere else."

"I don't want to leave her."

"You can't do anything else for her now. Hunter, can you just take Dar away please."


"I think she's finally starting to come around. Talk to her. She might wake up."


"Enough beauty rest, ay?"

"Agreed, you don't need it."

"Pfft, I do," I found myself answering unintentionally.

I heard low gasps from around me and the shuffling of feet.

"Don't crowd," Said a voice I recognised as Michael's, "Shayde, can you hear me?"

"Yes," I answered.

"Can you open your eyes?"


"How long have you been able to hear what we've been saying?"

"Since I blacked out."

Michael was silent for a few moments so I was surprised when cold fingers touched my cheek. On instinct, I flinched away.

"It's okay," Michael reassured me as I felt something wet be placed over my eyes. "Try and open your eyes now. I blocked out all the sun, so it will just be as if you're moving from one darkness to another."

I sighed and did as he said, blinking at the cool wet on my face.

"Kay," I murmured in a bored voice, "My eyes are open."

"Can I remove th-"

"Yes," I muttered, cutting him off. The cold fingers returned instantly and I slowly opened my eyes, squinting in the sudden light.

"Finally," I heard someone mutter and I couldn't help a grin form on my face.

"Sorry to keep you waiting," I answered, "So you finally have the cure."

Michael looked at me in surprise and nodded.

"Felix brought the final ingredients I needed to save Hunter and then you," Michael said almost proudly.

With a swift movement, I moved into a sitting position and glanced around. Everyone was standing around me with concern in their eyes.

"Let's do this?" I said with a smirk as I jumped off the table I was lying on and onto my feet.

"Let's," Darius answered me, taking my hand in his. I smiled at him and we walked away from the crowd.


More of a filler chapter! ;3 The next one should have a LOT more action. WOOOOOO! :D So, Shayde was saved <3 AND HUNTER TOO! I don't know about you guys but I missed Hunter. You probably didn't even remember who he was XD He 'died' in the first book. BUT I BROUGHT HIM BACK. K THANKS! <33

And dedicated to IAmAWritingNerd because I actually love them XD They've been begging and begging for an update so this one is JUST FOR YOUUU! :D

Much love,



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