Chapter Seventeen - The Return

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I heard a gunshot before I had even exited the school building. There was a thump and silence followed.

"Marth," I heard Ike groan in annoyance. Marth chuckled. After we were all outside, we all crowded around the body of a zombie which Whitney was crouched next too.

"I knew this guy," Whitney murmured, before standing up and facing us, "So, you're probably going to want to head that way." Whitney pointed the opposite way from where we entered the town. "I heard there's this safe area, with no infected."

"Why haven't you gone there?" Felix asked.

"Some of our group can't make that journey," Whitney sighed before walking back towards the front entrance of the school. "Be careful, okay?"

"Thank you," I said.

She nodded. "Least I could do."

Then she vanished behind the door.

"So, when are we taking the helicopter?" Marth said bluntly.

Those of the group who hadn't heard how we were getting to the island all glanced at him in confusion.

"Not yet. We'll wait until tomorrow," I told him, "We need to find somewhere near by to hide out."

I started walking in the direction Whitney pointed out, seeing houses lining the streets. After only taking a few steps, I heard a female cry from behind me and spun around to see Winter already wrestling with a zombie.

Before anyone could react, a bolt appeared in the side of its head and Winter pushed it off her in disgust.

"Marth's fault for shooting his gun," Oliver declared, retrieving his bolt.

"Let's just get into that house," I muttered.


"Did you hear that?" Felix suddenly asked, jumping up from his seat on the floor. Ike paused and glanced at him.

"Nope," Ike said before bending down and picking up corpse to drag it from the room.

"I definitely heard gunshots," Felix sighed, narrowing his eyes.

"Probably Marth," I said jokingly.

"Excuse me, I'm right bloody here," Marth muttered from behind me.

Suddenly Felix bolted out of the room, and I ran after him. He was out the front door before I even made it out of the room.

"Felix!" I called, running after him.

As quickly as I could, I slipped out of the front door and immediately halted to a stop.

"Shayde, help me!" Felix said urgently, clutching an almost unconscious body. I rushed forward and together, Felix and I raised the body off the floor and moved back into shelter.

Taking a left from the front door led into the houses lounge room and I gestured to the couch.

"Fuck, isn't that the Whitney chick from the school?" Marth asked, leaning against the doorway.

"Oh, fuck off, Marth," I hissed before turning my attention back to Whitney. "Whitney? What happened?"

She let out a whimper, hands coming away from a bullet hole in her stomach.

"Whitney, answer me, what happened?" I urged desperately.

A wave of coughing fell over her and she cringed in pain as I noticed she had multiple bullet wounds.

"Can we do anything, Felix?!" I cried a sense of loss entering my mind.

"Maybe if we had an entire hospital at our disposal... But at this point... We can only wait it out," Felix murmured grimly.

"Wait what out?!"

"Until she dies," Marth cut in, approaching the couch slowly, "She needs to tell us what happened."

"Whitney, please, answer me, what happened?" I begged, gripping one of her hands, feeling a sense of déjà vu.

Her eyelids fluttered wildly until those golden eyes focused on me and her hand tightened in mine.

"They're coming," She whispered in a grave voice that was not her own, "They killed everyone. They want you."

My eyes widened in disbelief. "Who?" I asked to confirm though I already knew the answer.

"He has a scar across his face. Dressed in black," Whitney continued, as her eyes started to unfocus.

"Is everyone dead?" Felix asked in a low voice.

"Yes," Whitney breathed, her chest falling once more and it didn't rise again.

"FUCK!" I cried, clenching my hands into fists.

"Helicopter time?" Marth asked, voice suddenly kind.

"As soon as possible," I muttered before I bowed my head in silence for the kindest girl I'd ever met.


Yes. This means you're dead Ethan. But who knows, you might be in the next chapter? XD I seriously can't wait for the next two chapters because, OMG, WILL BE SO EXCITINGGG. WOO.

Much love,



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