Chapter Nine - Old Friends

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When I woke, I didn't bother to open my eyes but let out a low moan instead.

"She's coming around now," A voice murmured from nearby.

"Shayde?!" A different voice cried frantically.

"Don't listen to him. Take your time," Whispered the first voice in my ear.

Slowly, I let my eyes slide open and when I took in a breath, a sharp pain ran through my side.

"Where am I?" I choked out awkwardly, realising I was in an uncomfortable bed.

"Medical bay," Replied the first voice patiently.

I glanced over at the speaker and immediately shot up out of my bed, just for him to carefully push me back down.

"Fel-" I almost sobbed until he swiftly covered my mouth to stop me from talking.

Felix smiled almost sadly. "We don't know each other, okay?"

I gave him a confused look but nodded slightly.

Felix silently busied himself as he messed with my arm which has a long, thin open wound on it.

"Shit, what did Vet do?" I muttered, glancing down, watching him work.

"He got a bit carried away. You don't remember?" Felix asked quietly.

I shook my head slowly and he gave me an odd look.

"Well," Felix began, "Vet said you were conscious through the whole thing, fighting back."

Felix suddenly turned and walked a few steps away from me. I noticed something odd in his walk. It was almost a limp, but not quite.

"Felix, how did you survive the church?" I questioned, pulling myself up into a seating position, ignoring the pain that made me winch slightly.

"I almost didn't," He sighed as he turned back and lifted up his left pants leg to show me a metallic fake leg which seemed to cause his limp. "Vet and Mina came back and rescued me. To eventually use me against you, I suppose."

I studied his leg until he let the black pants fall back over to cover it. I allowed my eyes to quickly study his slight frame until something hit me.

"You look like them," I said, gritted my teeth as I took in his black clothes.

"They threatened me, Shayde. Used others like they will use me for you," Felix whispered, guilt echoing through his tone.

"Who did they use?" I asked, matching his quiet voice.

"Zoey. They lied though. They never had her," Felix's eyes flashed dangerously at this, "But now they do."

An odd buzzing sound filled the room and Felix gave me an apologetic look. He reached down to his black belt and pulled a strange looking rectangle out. He studied it for a moment and smiled.

"I got a surprise for you," He said with a true grin, "Close your eyes."

I obeyed, deciding to play along. I listened to his strange sounding footsteps fade away and almost as quickly as they had left, they returned. Along with Felix'a footsteps, I could hear another set of footsteps that were a lot quieter.

I kept my eyes closed as they approached my bed.

"Hold out your hand," Felix said cheerfully.

Casually, I did what he said and in second something warm touched my hand. My hand closed around it and I was almost surprised to feel that another hand twisted its fingers around to clutch mine.

I opened my eyes slightly, peeking out through my eyelashes.

"Hey," A deep male voice sighed, and I felt the hand in mine give a tiny squeeze.

I didn't reply as I opened my eyes fully and took in the man in front of me. I opened my mouth to reply but no sound came out. I sighed and ripped my eyes from his.

"Fe- Felix," I choked oddly, "Are there cameras around the place?"

Felix nodded, "Yes, everywhere. I disabled the ones in this room so I could get Darius in here."

I winced slightly at the name I couldn't bear to say and in a swift motion I pulled myself out of my bed and to my feet. Immediately, I doubled over in pain and a hand touched my back almost instantly making me feel slightly better.

"We need to get out of here," I muttered, straightening up, edging away from the hand.

"Impossible," Felix replied instantly, giving me a nervous look.

"Didn't you say you disabled the cameras here? Just do that for the parts we need to get out and no one will know."

"It took a while to even get this one small area organised. From here to the exit is a much larger area," Felix argued and then quickly glanced up at his brother who was looking at him with almost pleading eyes. Felix practically grunted in annoyance and rolled his eyes. "Let me go find Ike and Marth. If anyone can help, they can."

Felix quickly vanished out of the room and Darius turned to me.

"Why won't you talk to me?" Darius whispered quietly.

I gritted my teeth and just stared at him silently.

"At least tell me. Are Ava and Zoey okay?" Darius said, a sense of desperation in his voice.

I nodded once and he grinned.

"Of course. You wouldn't let anything happen to them."

I let out a low chuckle and paused, surprised at the sound. His smile didn't fade and I couldn't help but return it.

Felix's footsteps broke our connection and we both watched the door, waiting for him to appear.

When he did, two others were directly behind him.

"Ike and Marth will help in exchange for them joining us on the outside," Felix told me and I nodded.

"So, there's the five of us, plus Ava and Zoey," Darius confirmed.

I shook my head and he gave me a surprised look.

"Nine, maybe ten," I told them.

"I don't know if we can sneak that ma-," Felix began before Darius gave him a sharp look.

"That's fine. We'll get them all out," Darius said firmly.

Out of the corner of my eye I saw the two newcomers, Ike and Marth, give each other a strange look and I couldn't help a twisted smile to form on my face. They would regret underestimating us.


Honestly, I could have written this better but my friends were like "HOLY BANANAS IF YOU DON'T UPLOAD %@&@#*@^&^" So yeah. -.- I'm semi happy with it, so whatever. I did write it in a day.

Much love,



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