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9 years later...

"Just a few more weeks," I murmured to my swollen belly, "And when you're born, I can tell you how your father seduced me."

I heard Darius laugh as he sat down on the couch next to me, wrapping his arms protectively around my shoulders.

"She lies!" He cried, feigning hurt, "I just convinced her."

I rolled my eyes and leant into him with a sigh. Nine years ago, we spent every moment watching our backs. Staying alive. Now, we live a normal life. As normal as you can get surrounded by thick concrete walls, extending into the sky. The infection still rages on outside the walls. Hope is that one day, the world will be cleansed. I hope so.

"Felix is coming over later on today, by the way," Darius chattered happily. He was then interrupted by a knock on the door. He jumped up and practically skipped away.

"Don't move!" He warned me playfully.

"Pregnancy has made you crazy!" I called out after him. He chuckled and then I heard the sound of a door being opened.

Darius's voice, muffled by the walls, raised slightly and I rubbed my stomach slowly. The muffled voices of Darius and a higher, female voice suddenly got closer. I watched as Darius came into view, a strange shell-shocked expression on his face.

Behind him was a girl with long blonde hair and piercing blue eyes. A sense of recognition passed through me and I pulled myself off the couch. I approached her slowly, reaching one hand out to close the distance. Halfway, I hesitated.

And with my hand hanging in the air, I whispered, "Zoey."

She nodded and reached out both arms. I pulled her into mine and felt my eyes well up in tears.

"You're alive," I whispered in shock after I pulled away to study her tear stained face.

"I missed you," She murmured.

And at that moment, I finally felt complete.


-sob- It's over. Done. I love you all.

Book Two: The LegendsWhere stories live. Discover now