chapter three

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Im exhausted by by the time I reach the top of the stairs. "Thanks gramps," I say softly.
"Would you like a nice cup of hot chocolate before bed?" Gramps asks.
" Oh no im alright, truly, thank you, im just going to unpack and go to sleep," I say, forcing a sympathetic smile onto my face, while gramps leaves my room closing the door swiftly behind him.
The smile quickly falls, in relief of finally being alone, in the pleasure of my own company. These first days are alwasy so much easier with Adam. He would always somehow make it fun, by stuffing to many biscuits in his mouth or making a face when no one else was looking.
I feel my head hit the pillow, when did I sit down on my bed? Wow I really am exhausted, I just need to unpack my bag and then I can shower and go to bed... Unwillingly I stand up and walk towards my closet dragging my bags along behind me, I grab the two knobs on the door, twist an pull. A rush of air flows in through my nose, I smile to myself, it still smells like mango cleaner. One year I was so fed up with all my clothes always smelling of the old attic smell soo I took clothing cleaner and poured it all over the carpet. I got shouted at for days because it stained the navy carpet, gran got it cleaned, although the smell never went.
Adam and I share a huge room, the attic, but it is divided into two by a walk-in closet that we share which leads in to the bathroom we also share. The room also has two entrances and lots of windows. We each have a huge bay window which faces onto the beach, one of my favorite things about my room. My bay window seat alone is the best thing. Adam has alway hated his, always cussing it for waking him up to early. That's probably one of the things where we different I love waking up early. Beach runs or just coffee by my window or on the porch.

I slup down on the floor next to my bags and begin to unzip them. I really did bring to much unnecessary stuff, but I hate being unprepared, my bags are packed well as usual every thing packed neatly in a tight fit. I look around the small closet, maybe for once I can organise my stuff all around the shelfs, like I have always dreamed of... having all four walls to myself. I can have a wall for clothing a wall for shoes and a wall for....
"You bettet not be planning to take over my side of the closet, are you? "
My thoughts are broken suddenly, I whip my head around to the door, way quickly, to see if its real. There he is leaning agains the door frame smirking. I blink to make sure im not imaging it.
"Yes I am real, now quit analysing the situation and come and give me a hug!" Adam says laughing.
I don't realise I have moved until I feel my body slam into his, and I know I look ridiculous with this huge grin, growing on my face. He's really here, trying to hide the fact that I have a few tears of joy picking out my eyes. Ew, what have I become? I can feel Adam chuckling as I hold onto him to tightly.
"I was going to ask if you missed me over these last two months, but I guess, just that body slam alone somes it up, did I see tears in ur eyes?"
I can feel him smirking. ..
"No, my emotions let out tears of sadness knowing that I wont be having this whole closet to myself, for another year." I sniff and pull away.
I take a step back and sit on the floor, focusing back on my bags.
"Now explain yourself? In the English language please. " I say boldly trying to hide my grin, but failing completely.

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