Chapter 11

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We did stay in the kitchen for a little while longer,   but after we got through all the basic small talk it seemed like it would be best to go out into the party. Miles introduced me to a few people,   but I have already forgotten their names.  I was watching him play beer pong but after a while it gets pretty boring.  Im standing on the porch outside now,  I stare at the distant sea. It seems so peaceful,  the ringing in my ears, from the loud music that sounds like the same song on repeat, has started to fade. Theres random people hanging around the porch and below on the sand, making out honestly get a room. The air has become slightly cold. I look back up at the sea and notice for the first time a fire burning in the distance.  I remember someone mentioning that a fire was going to be lit later on, how late is it?  I check my phone, the screens so bright when I turn it on, I almost get a fright. Ah its only 21:06. That means I have to wait another hour before mom will be asleep, Or I will get twenty questions on how the "fun" party was.
I start walking towards the fire there not too many people sitting around it, there two couples and one guy sitting separately from then. As I walk closer I way up the options, what will be better to seem welcoming and sit near to the  stranger or keep distance and let him approach.  My body makes the decision for me, cause as I am passing the empty seat not to far from the loner, I half fumble half trip and land on my bum, half on and off the chair.  I let out a yelp as my not very cushion behind hits the hard chair. My squeak of pain seems to startle the love birds and they discontently pull themselves apart to stare at me, then they swiftly get up and leave in a huff... still clinging to eachother. I hear a chuckle,  I almost forgot that there was someone else sitting there. I turn my head in his direction, "well that was a fucking miracle, you know they literally just met we were alll sitting here chatting about casual things and then we got onyo the topic of Nicholas sparks movies, that guy mentioned he actually enjoys watching them,  to seconds later they were practically eating face.." 
He gets up and walks in my direction, as he stretches out his hand, I accept it, "I'm James, who might you be?" He says raising his eyebrows at me, his face holding a childish smile.
I cant help but laugh, " I'm Lily, but seen as I just saved you, your highness will suffice"
He's the one to laugh now, as he sits down next to me, "So whats someone like you doing out here, wondering about by herself? "
His features are now more clear by the fires light, gus hair is a really dark brown, could be black its curly and long for a guy,  but it suits him. His eyes are crystal blue, and he has a big welcoming smile and he looks about my height.
"I guess I don't really know anyone at the party, except my brother but I don't really enjoy watching him hook up with hoes all night, so I guess thats why,"I say looking down playing with a stick in the sand.
"So are you not really into the whole scene of drinking or are you just like a horrific dancer?" He asks with a wink.
"No like I used to be super into when I was younger,  its been a while since I have had a proper joll, but one thing I did learn is its not really worth it if you not doing it with great people. The type who know you and understand you, I feel like partying around randoms is pointless, and I dont do hook ups so," I chuckle,  "I'm practically a granny stuck in a young body"

"Well that definitely makes sense, like I understand but no need to worry anymore, I am assigning myself as you new best friend,  and I'll include my sister to that list too, unfortunately,  she is probably one of those hoes you mentioned earlier. But dont you fear, shes and honest hoe and is honestly more exciting the playing bingo."
He says this with so much enthusiasm I'm excited to meet her, hoe or not I guess..
We chat for a while longer,  about random things,  like our families and favourite meals and places we travelled to and places we still want to see. He's been all over the world he says its because his mom married this rich guy a few years back and for most summers they go to different places in Europe or Thiland, he says he doesn't really see his real dad but that makes two of us, and hes got a step brother the same as him and his twin sister,  but he's not to social and keeps to himself.  I tell him about my brother and sister and my nephew.  But I find myself yawning more and more towards the end of the conversation. I pulled out my phone, its 11:03,  Wow time flew.
"Well they say time flies when you having fun, I was going to invite you inside for a drink but I feel like you going to decline, which is fine since you haven't stopped yawning for the last ten minutes so instead im going to ask for your number and I'll be calling you sometimeto hang out, we will have soo much fun I am certain!" He says with almost a squeal.
I laugh as we swop phones and exchange numbers, I save my number under, your highness,  and hand back his phone.  We both stand up in unison.
"Are you going to be alright going back by yourself? "
"Oh yeah, dont worry about me, I live just down the beach so its just a little walk, are you?"
"Yeah well I have to go back in and find my hoe ish sister make sure I know what she has done so I can remind her tomorrow and then ill probably be ready to leave once I find her, have a safe trip Lillian, " he almost screams as I have started to walk away already. 
"Its Lily, and I will thank you"
"You are now Lillian so just accept it!, I'll call you!"

I dont really think he expects a response so I dont give him one I just keep walking along the beach. I gaze up and notice how clear the sky is, all the constellations are so clear, I make a mental note to download a constellation app on my phone so I can start figuring out what they are. It doesn't take me to long to get back to the house, soon enough the music fades and all I hear is the sound of the waves crashing onto the dark sea. The mon has started to rise so its getting clearer to see, im soo glad it looks like tomorrow is going to be a beautiful day again. As I reach the cottage Im just about to climb the step when I notice a figure sitting on the beach a few meters away,  just staring up peacefully,  clearly also appreciating the beauty that this night holds. I smile to myself, thank goodness im not the only one. I climb the porch steps and make my way through the house being sure not to make any noise. I go into the kitchen and make myself some chamomile tea with honey then drink it will I go up to my room. I change into my pjs and turn off the lights  I feel so rested after today and its just the being of summer, im feeling more confident about this summer then I was last night. And I stare out my window at the beauty of the stars I thank God for blessing me with this holiday and I feel myself falling asleep so I close my eyes and let my dreams take me on an adventure, an adventure I probably wont remember, but an adventure never the less.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 17, 2016 ⏰

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