Chapter 8

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....well your left hands free in your writing grip...

Alt.j, why is it playing. I slowly start to resurface all my senses starting to come together in unison. I open my eyes, remembering I'm still on the beach. I pull my earphones out my ears, but the song continues. Confused I sit up and take in the scene around me, the sea is going out, getting closer to low tide I presume. I glance next me and notice a dark navy blue towel, which doesn't belong to me, on top the towel is a black cap containing an iPhone 5. I reach across and shut it off, now irritated. I stare at the possessions, whose stuff is this...?

"I see you finally woke up, good sleep?" says a strangers voice interrupting my train of thought, I glance up confused. My eyes adjusting to the sun I notice that once again I'm looking at the brown head boy, does he know me, are we related?

"yeah, your phone was ringing." I say uninterested, still annoyed I was woken up.

"o sorry about that, I wouldn't have thought anything could have woken you. When I tried to ask you earlier if I could leave my stuff here, you were out, like flat out." by this time he had placed his surfboard down, shaken his wet hair out, more casually then expected, and sat down next to me on his towel.

I raise my eyebrow at him, glad he cant see my eyes through these glasses, steaming. I'm not sure if he's challenging me or making fun of me, either way its irritating me. "O well, lets just say Alt.j has a way of getting to me like no one else can." I say while leaning back onto my elbows.

I sit up, and start digging through my bag for my water, I notice it is half empty, yet I haven't had more then a sip. "I had a few sips I hope you don't mind. " he smiles innocently. Yeah sure I wouldn't mind if I actually new the guy, he went through my bag?

" Who are you?" I ask annoyed

"Well it seems like right now im the guy who is on you last never?"

" yup that about sums you up, have we met before, wait has my brother put you up to this? Actually I don't care." I puff as I start gathering my stuff, roughly chucking all my things in my bag and stand up. Wow he really has seemed to annoy me.

"Hey im sorry, I get I might have crossed a few slim lines, but I didn't think you would be offended, you seemed pretty cool, so I thought we could just be friends. I'm Fin, and you are?" he says this while clumsily standing up and stretching his hand out. he has this huge grin stretched across his face, which makes me take back all the things I was just about to say.

"Lily." I shake his hand sarcastically.

"Nice to meet you Lily, and don't worry I will make up for this tragic incident, yeah?"

"You can try, I'm going now, more important stuff calls for my attention."

"what could be more important than bonding with your new bestie?" he says with a smug look.

I almost laugh, but contain it. Instead I bend down pick up my towel and swing my bag onto my shoulder, then face the boy. I look directly at him through my glasses, and with a smirk I say, "Lunch obviously." and start walking towards the cottage.

"well see you around." he shouts, but I don't look back.

A I climb the porch steps I hear a boom of laugher coming from the kitchen, I put my bag down on the chair reach in and grabbing out my little black dress and throw it back onto my sticky body, i push my shades up to hold my hair out my face and approached the door. As I push it open I suck in a deep breath, while relaxing myself, I replace my face with a more I don't care about you/ but I'm innocent type of look as I walk into the house. I make my way into the kitchen, seated at the table is Adam, Brad and two other guys I haven't met before, but I don't seem to care. Moms standing behind the counter dishing up a fresh salad, for herself. Moms the first to notice me come in, with a huge grin she announces me to everyone. "hey sweety, did you have a good morning?"

I walk up to the counter and start dishing up some chicken salad for myself, knowing all eyes are on me. "yeah, pretty good." I say while over concentrating on picking what I want out the salad, not mentioning the brown head boy. I feel really self-conscious knowing Brad is probably joining in the lets all stare at me campaign. I haven't seen him in four years or more, mostly cause I avoided him, because of certain reasons.

"hey she arrived, guys this is my little sister Lily-anne, Lil you remember Brad right, and this is Blake and Miles Cooper. " Adam pipes up.

"Hi." I say and glance up briefly, I don't even bother looking at the boys, knowing that I will probably forget there names in the next five minutes anyway, why bother? I grab a fork out the draw, picking up my plate I start walking out the kitchen.

"Hey Lil, don't forget party tonight starts at six, but I will be leaving at five-thirty, if you wanting a lift?" I turn around and look at Adam, his face holding the biggest smirk, I know what he's doing he's saying this in front of mom cause he knows she will make me go, even though I have no interest. I look deep into his eyes with complete frustration, as his smirk widens. " I'm okay, I wont be needing a lift thanks."

" Are you going with another friend my darling, that's nice." moms now smiling, which is exactly what Adam wanted.

"no mom, I don't need a lift, because im not going." I puff.

"O no honey, you can go, it will be fun. You old enough now, you don't have to worry I don't mind and your brother promises to look after you." mom says.

"but mom maybe I don't want to go." I groan.

"but nothing you going, now im going to eat my lunch." she leaves the kitchen leaving me standing there looking helpless, and all the boys looking shocked about what just went down, except Adam who's holding a grin.

"Thanks a lot." I say while leaving the kitchen and head to my room.

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