Chapter 9

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By the time I get to my room, I finish up my lunch and jump in the shower. I love the feeling of my body going from the sticky beach smell, to feeling soft and smooth skin smelling like pomegranates. I probably over used my body wash but who cares, it smells good and refreshing. I start washing my hair scrubbing hard at my scalp removing all unwanted sea salt from my hair. I hear a huge bang on the door, my body tensing completely, at the sound.

"I'm in the shower," I scream back loader than necessary so they will get the point that I'm not interested in hearing what they going to say. I just hear muffled laughter in return which doesn't make me feel anymore relaxed. I notice the door creak open the slightest, not a big enough crack to see through though, I can feel my heart pounding through my chest.

"Lil, can u make it fast, the rest of us want to shower before we go, preferably in hot water. We will clear out the closet for a bit to so you can change, as I presume you don't have clothes in there." I hear Adam say through the crack, my body instantly relaxes. He's still the best big brother, and hearing the pleading in his voice I decided to for once what he asks.

"Yeah, almost done." I begin to rinse my hair and body, slowly. when I turn the water off I instantly feel the cool air hitting my wet body, making me grab my towel fast. I dry off and walk out the bathroom holding my towel very tightly to my body. I first notice the quiet and how Adam obviously closed the door of the closet going into his room. I hurriedly grab a pair of black sweat pants and plain white crop top and put it on. After drying my hair roughly with my towel I climb onto my bed with a book. I can hear all the guys ascending the stair case, I look to my right noticing I left the doors to the closet open. I bolt into the cupboard and grab my bag containing my ipod and earphones, and quickly exit the closet closing the doors softly behind me. As I tiptoe back to my bed hurriedly I pick up my book and put my earphones in playing music softly, hoping it will drown out any unnecessary sound. I choose Ed Sheerans playlist, turning the volume up slightly. I open my book and start reading, not even making it through the first page I turn onto my side facing toward the huge window. My eyes close as my body relaxes and I drift off to sleep, making my book roll out of my hands onto the floor.

"Lil, Lily, hey Lil, wake up we leaving soon..." Adam whispers, softly shaking my shoulder.

"Ew, go away I'm at peace," I grumble back

I hear him chuckle softly, "no you need to wake up, I even made you coffee to go, well mom did, but still."

I roll over and face him, wow its so dark how long did I sleep for? seeming to read my thoughts Adams says, " three and a half hours." I moan as I force myself into a sitting position, I hold my hand out, without having to say anything he places the cup in my hand.

"Okay, well now that you up, we want to leave soon so you now only have about 5 minutes to get ready," he says, I glance up at him with complete discontent.
He laughs as he leaves my room. I spend about three minutes of the time sipping slowly away at my coffee. Trying to wake up. I walk over to my long mirror and look at my appearance. Not to bad, I have slightly red cheeks from today but otherwise im the same old boring me. I tie my hair up in a high messy bun, my first "I dont give a frikadal" statement. I touch up my eyebrows and put a few swipes on mascara on. Then I dig out my grey hoodie, putting it on along with my slops. As I walk down the stairs I softly dab my lemon lip balm on.

"I told you to get ready we leaving soon" Adam chirps as I enter the lounge.
"I am ready, " I answer, now annoyed.
"Oh hun why dont you wear a pretty dress or skirt?"mom asks, as she walks in from the kitchen, once again involving herself.
"I'm okay thanks, now are we leaving or can I go back to sleep?" I state, rasing my eyebrow at her.
Adam just raises his eyebrows at me, "Lets go lads."
As they exit the lounge I follow after them. Dont get me wrong im not all into I don't try, I dont wear make up or dress up for guys they must like me as I am, kind of girl. I love dressing up just as much as the next girls does. And make-up interests me completely, its like an artwork, you face is the canvas. I just am not in the mood to go to a party and be happy or make and effort around people I don't give a f*ck about. Adam decides he wants to take his car, even though its only a few houses down the road. So all five of us climb in, I'm just about to get in the front when Brad runs and gets in before me. I begrudgingly climb into the back seat and close the door. I push myself as close as possible to the door and stare out the window.
Adam turns the radio down for a second and says, "Hey lil, try have fun tonight, if you hang around Blake & Miles Cooper, you will be sure to have a laugh." I turn and look at the guys next to me for the first time, they identical twins. They have semi tanned skin, tall and lanky with bleached blond hair, wow I didnt expect that at all. When I have heard them speack the sound completely different. They both awkwardly smile at me, I make an attempt at smiling back but then I continue to stare out the windown. There is so much tension in the car Adam obviously feels it to, and returns the music volume back louder than before. Gosh, am I getting a headache already. We pull up at the house, just before I climb out the car I look at the radio clock, great its not even six, this is going to be a long night. I sigh and basically roll out the car.

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