Chapter four

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"Where to begin?" Adam sayings while cheekily tapping his chin.
" Please hurry up, I have a life to get to." I really am tired but im afraid that if I dont get it out of him now, I never will.

" Well basically madam. I knew you would be absolutely lost without me this summer. so I decided to reorganise my plans before I hear that my little sister has gone into depression from missing her older brother to much."
"And mom said that when she told you about me not coming here for the summer, how upset you seemed. I told the guys I was going to split my time, half my summer with you and the other half with them. But they weren't having it they were actually going to kick me out of all the plans." He chuckles
"But then Brad piped up saying we should rather just rent a place here and move our plans to this beach instead. At first every one was shocked, because when has Brad ever actually said anything useful?"
Brad.. I gulp
Adam continues by saying, " The guys all researched and thankfully there was a cancellation on the Sherbornes place down the road. They booked it and here we are. I thought I would supprise you all. It also gives you a chance to meet all the mates and you old enough now to hang with us so?"
"Wait are you saying you didn't tell mom you were coming? " Im shocked. Even though mom is half insane she always likes to know plans, always.
" Um no... im hoping the surprise will be enough to keep her off my case" he says with a nervous laugh.
Its really late now and my bag is unpacked with everything arranged neatly on the shelfs. I turn around and try not to cringe when I see all Adams stuff just thrown on his shelfs.
"Hey we all know your shelfs are going to look like that too, in about two weeks. "
I laugh and shake my head, as I walk into his arms for a good night hug. He's always so warm.
" Thanks for coming and saving me and my soul," I whisper.
"Pleasure, but I have to say, saving you is the easy part, but your soul is a completely different story. "
He gives me one last squeeze, then we break apart and walk towards our beds.
"Your hair looks cute short by the way." Adam whispers loud enough so I can hear him, from his bed.
"Thanks, your looks different all long. " I say while slipping of my slippers and into my bed.
I roll over and face my window, trying to contain the excitement for when the sunrises. The sound of the sea gets louder and louder, as it consumes me, I fall asleep.

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