Chapter 10

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We walk up to the door of the Sherbones, the boys just turn the knob and walk in, obviously completely comfortable, unlike myself. I suck in a huge breath before stepping through the door, mentally preparing myself for anything that might appear. I'm surprised though, its much cleaner then expected, not the usual messy kind of temporary frat house. My curiosity takes over as my eyes wonder. The hall contains a huge stair case leading up stair s on the left, there are to arches, one ahead leading into a huge lounge. While the other one leads into the kitchen, I presume.  The walls around the house are very bare, some though have some dust marks, outlining where an unwanted frame used to be I guess. There are a lot of people rushing around, pushing couches against walls, sweeping, and sticking up bin bags around. I let a small giggle slip, are drunk people honestly going to wonder around looking for the bin to place their rubbish in. I think one of the twins must be either thinking the same thing, or he had just told a joke I didn't hear, cause  he turns around with a smirk on his face. Letting our eyes meet for a second I smile back, knowing that if I'm going to be getting through this night I might as well have one friend. It seems to work cause he slows his pace to match mine and we make out way through the house together.

I have only seen a few girls around so far, a few just lazing on the couches and others as the little puppies running around helping to organise. When I walk out onto the outside porch I realise why, wow seriously we have literally just arrived and already Adam is being attached by girls. There's one on his lap and another two trying to squash up next to him on the couch. They throwing there head back cackling, why have these girls even bothered to get dressed, like wearing basically nothing, like they screaming out, 'hey look at me, I really put a lot of effort into looking like a hoe tonight, but please notice how beautiful my eyes are...'. I just raise my eyebrow, I must have made some sort of annoyed sound because a few heads have snapped up and are looking at me now..  The brunette one sitting on Adams lap is looking at me, with extremely possessive eyes, like I should be scared and not mess with her. She's quite capturing, you could almost get caught up in her huge blue eyes. You can almost tell that the dark brown isn't her natural hair colour, but not everyone is as observant as me, although she could probably pull off any colour. She has done her make up on point, she probably have notice me staring at her so intently and she raises one of her killer eyebrows. I start laughing at this action, who the heck does she think she is, some bitch I'm going to follow around, sorry girl I don't follow anyone, honestly if her eyebrow weren't so amazing I probably would have raised one right back.

"Atleast you smiling now bae! " Adam says cheerfully, this seems to bring me back to normal. Twin one seems to feel the tension by asking, "drink?"

I look up at him and with a nod, I follow  him out the room. So I was right, the other arch did lead into the kitchen. It is huge, white floors, dark granite and bright everything else, a red kettle and bright pots, the perfect stuff from a little vintage theme. I walk over to the island and casually pull myself up onto the counter. While swinging my legs I look around the kitchen, only now noticing all the drinks taking up most of the counter space and on all the counters are millions of stacked plastic cups. While staring up at the supposedly inspirational sayings famed on the wall.  I hear twin one mumble something, I almost forgot that he was there. I turn around and look at him, "sorry what?"

"Your drink, what do you want to drink?" he asked, raising his eyebrow enthusiastically.

"Oh, uh, just water thanks." I glance around a spot a few packets of chips and pilled up on the corner of the island, I reach across and grab a packet of Doritos and open it. I breath in deeply and inhale the rich smell, while poping a chip in my mouth. Just as im doing so, a group of girls enter the kitchen,  the same group of girls that were practically throwing themselves at my brother earlier.

"What do you think you are doing?" The brunette hoe huffs. I glance up slowly, making sure I know the question was directed at me before I answer, it was.
"Eating?" I reply with no enthusiasm.
"Well next time you should ask, before just eating!" She chirps. As she starts walking away, she trips on the step leading out of the kitchen, just as she is about to buckle down, one of her minions grabs her, preventing the fall. Ut almost seems like it happens pretty often.  I can barely contain my laught, neither can the twin.
"You have no idea how often that happens, " he laughs, while pointing in the direction the girls just left, " Now are you sure you just want water?" He looks at me with a grin and raised eyebrow, "But I must say it is quite entertaining how Evv thinks you are competition for Adam,  not Adams little sister."
"Yes I guess that was pretty hilarious" I find myself smiling for the first time this evening,  and knowing its genuine," but now which twin are you and how can I tell the difference?"
"Im Miles," he says, his face reddening slightly, "There are actually alot of differences between us,  but it seems like only my mom, brother and I know about them." He chuckles.  " The most noticeable ones would be our  different sense of humor as in I have one and Blake doesn't,  or our different dress sense is completely different. .. I always wear calm colours, while Blake always wears well more dramatic clothing. "
"Oh yeah, ok."I take in his appearance for the first real timwr, I hadnt really noticed their clothing, because to do that I would have had to look at them for more than 0,2 seconds.

"So, are we going to sit in the kitchen and eat, or are we going to actually go out and socialise?" He asks
"Well yeah. Sitting here and piling through a few more bags of chips did seem like a good way to spend my evening." I say with way to much sarcasm.

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