Chapter 7

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"Okay, I guess because everyone is here we can, discuss/hear about all plans for the day or summer before we all spurt off in different directions. Good morning Adam thanks for gracing us with your company, are you going to explain how this happened so dramatically?" gran says in a calm voice, which somehow makes you feel less calm. I look at gramps he just sits at the table sipping his coffee, proving again to all of us, who is really in charge around here.

" Well gran, and everyone else who this may concern, I'm sorry for not informing you all before I came, I honestly only discovered the new plans a few days ago and I thought a little surprise would be fun. Basically my friends and I were going to be having a bit of collage fun, on the beach more north, but being the loving young lad that I am I decided that summer wouldn't be the same without spending some of it here with you. so I told my friends I would be splitting my time half with them the other half with you. unfortunately they decided against it. then later they told me they moving the fun events down to this beach and have luckily got a booking at the Sherbones and I get my little dream. So bam I'm here! Oh and I thought it would be fun if Lil hang out with us as well, seen as she is now finished school." Adam finishes off giving me and evil grin. Firstly I have no idea how he gets away with all the stuff he does and most of the time all the cheek, which no one but me picked up on it seems. Secondly he knows that I don't want to be hanging around him and all his frat friends. Of course he knows that, now I will be forced to go by everyone, because he made it seem like I wanted all of this. I would be perfectly happy just tanning on the beach all day with a good book, early nights and early morning runs. I look down at my newly filled coffee cup, not knowing how it got refilled.

"That sounds like a fabulous idea Lily, you can meet all Adams good friends and go have fun at parties, and maybe even make some new girlfriends of your own?" she says with way to much enthusiasm again, seriously I thought this was my life, clearly not.

" Well that all sounds lovely, but I am wanting to also have some family time, we will have dinner all together at least once a week. I will be pencilling in the dates onto the calendar next to the fridge and that's all I ask. I know you two are getting bigger now so I don't expect you to be here all day, everyday, but I expect that much, so make sure you here for those dinners. Now if you will excuse me I am going to put my face on." gran says then quietly leaves the kitchen, leaving us all in silence. Mom is only sipping the rest of her coffee obviously speechless, everyone seems to be still taking in the order. I'm the first one to get up and leave, clearly not as fazed about the little threat as everyone is, probably because I know I wont be going out much apart from the beach and store.

When I get up to my room, I feel sleepy, already, but decide to rather wait and nap on the beach instead. I change into a more decent bikini, its a whole lot of different blues mixed together in different pattern's. The pants feel tighter, hopefully because of my bum yoga routine. The top is in triangle shapes showing off my flat chest. I have never been one with the luck of getting big boobs I mean I'm just an A yet I don't seem to mind that much anymore. I spend a good few minutes coating myself in suntan lotion then throw my little black dress over. I grab my beach bag, tossing my glasses and cosmo mag in, before slipping on my black flip flops and heading down stairs.

I go into the kitchen retrieving a bottle of cold water, an apple and a musili bar. that should get me throw till lunch. What else? My ipod and ear phones, in case of an emergency. I put my bag on the table and jog back up the stairs almost knocking into Adam in the process.

" Wow someone's in a hurry where you going?" he aks loudly, like a dad would...

"To get my Ipod, why do you care nosey?" I grumble

"Oh yeah you don't want to forget those cause then you would have to actually listen to the people who talk to you, and act like you care."

" Why don't you just shut up and go and get a tan, snow man."

I grab my Ipod and head back down again, I notice the spray suntan lotion on the kitchen counter and throw it in my bag in case. now what else is there? A towel, but I can grab that on the way out.

"Bye mom! " I shout as I leave the kitchen. I grab a towel from the basket, going out onto the front porch, mentally going over everything I might need.

"hey, me and the guys are going to be playing volley ball over by the Sherbones place, you keen?"

"No thanks Adam, im fine to just get my tan on."

" And after last summer I thought you were 'mis professional' at volley ball"

"Yeah, I still am, just not today. Okay? "

"Okay. Be safe," he says, "but you know where to find me if you change you mind"

"Thanks!" I say loudly and I am already on the beach. the sand is now hot, by the time I have put my towel down im already hot, they one feeling I have always enjoyed.

I put my shades on and my earphones in my ears even though I don't play music. Pulling my cosmo out I start to read while chopping on my apple. I flip casually through the mag, looking with delight at this summers fashion, I smile because I got it on point again, for the season. Fashion is definitely one of my true loves. I focus a lot on the way I dress, I find it an art, creating a new outfit making each item unique. That also goes for the way I treat and look after my body, I always keep my nails neat and pluck my eyebrows! I mean they on your face, people can see them... As I finish off my apple I feel sleepy, so I put my mag away, lying on back, I slowly drift off to sleep, while the sun burns away at my skin.

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