T h r e e

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Enjoy the chapter bye!

P.s. the girl's are at the top!


// Clementine's POV //

I opened my closet and grabbed the box of pictures out of the very back of my closet and picked it up and shut my closet door. I sat on my bed looking through my pictures of Elliot and me. There was this that I was smiling at the camera while he tried to be serious but ended up bursting out laughing after I took it and man is he hot.. I just don't understand what I did wrong what made him cheat on me or was it he was just tired of me.

Is that it? was I not good enough for him to make him cheat on me? well whatever I'm tired of moping around I'm gonna go out and get a drink. I grabbed my car keys and my wallet and grabbed my coat and walked downstairs and out the front door.

Once I got settled into my car I was about to start it but my phone started to ring so I answered it and it was one of our managers Kasey "Hello?" I asked when I put my phone to my ear. "Yes hello Clementine are you with the girls?" she asked and I rolled my eyes "no I was about to leave the house but you called me I'm in my car."

"Well I need to talk to all of you so go to them" she told me and I rolled my eyes and put her on mute and got back out of my car and walked back into the house and I yelled for the girls to come downstairs that Kasey needed to talk to us. And eventually they all came into the lounge where I was sitting on the couch with my phone on speaker.

"Are they all in the room now?" she asked and I replied 'yes' and she said okay. "Alright let's get down to business, you girls just got off tour yesterday right?" she asked us and we all replied with a 'yes' and she sighed "well I need you to go on tour again, except this time your gonna be an opening act" we all looked at each other wide eyed "an opening act?" Lily asked "for who?" Penelope finished her question to Kasey.

"One Direction, they need an opening act for there tour that is coming up in a few days and I told their management that you girls would be it" we all scoffed and she sighed "yes I know girls you wanted time to relax but.. the tour starts in 2 days. Oh looks like I have to go goodbye!" she said and hung up the phone and we all groaned and stood up.

"Well looks like we got to pack for a 4 month long tour, just great.." Layla said plopping on the love seat laying back and putting her feet up on the armrest. "Um Layla you know we actually have to pack right we can't pack late again remember what happened last time?" Lily asked her and she shrugged smirking. "Oh! I remember!" Penelope said all of a sudden scaring the living daylight out of us.

"Yeah I do too" Hadley said laughing "oh right! we all had to rush packing all of our clothes and essentials so we all ended up grabbing the wrong suitcases and rushing into the car!" I said giggling a bit and the girls burst out laughing and we talked for an hour before we all decided to start packing so we don't have to rush on the last day we have and the day we leave too.

After we all got done packing we all sat down in the living room and watched 'Over Hedge' and I got a text from Kasey. "Hey girls" I said and they all looked away from the TV and at me. "Kasey just texted me that the One Direction boys will be picking us up in their tour bus then we'll be driven to the airport and flown over to-" HOLY SHIT! It says NEW YORK! now I really don't want to go on tour now "Where Clem?" Hadley asked me and I looked up realizing I didn't tell them "oh.. It's N-new Y-york" I stuttered out and stood up from my spot on the couch.

"U-um I'm tired from packing so I'm gonna head to bed.. don't stay up to late, Night girls!" I said rushing out of the lounge and up the stairs and straight into my room and shut the door. Once I changed into my Pj's I fell into my bed backwards and closed my eyes. Great I'm going to be stuck in New York for 3 days and the She devil and my dick ex-boyfriend, the first shows of the tour are going to be.. interesting very interesting..


Aww poor Clem if I was there I would probably end up kicking him in the balls Lol don't be a ghost reader please vote and comment well bye! see ya in the next chapter

~Megan Xxx (;

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