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Enjoy Chapter 5 my precious lil' carrots! byeee!


// Clementine's POV //

"Clementine!, Clem! wake up!" I shot up out of bed and hit my head on the top of the bunk "ow! bloody hell, that hurt!" I yelled out and looked at the person that woke me and I was shocked to find Harry there with a guilty look on his face. Ah so that was who it was.

I got up out of the bunk and he backed up. "Are we there? or did you just wake me up in the god damn morning for no reason?" I asked him and he nodded looking down a bit hurt from my rude attitude. "Look I'm sorry these past few day's haven't really been.. the best for me.." I said and looked down but I felt his eyes on me. So I just bent down and opened my drawer and grabbed my two suitcases and I walked to the door of the bus and walked out and shut the door behind me.

While I waited in the jet for the others to get in I unlocked my phone my eyes widened; I got a few texts from Elliot all at different times. (More like: He Who Shall Not Be Named and no for whoever is thinking it's Voldemort it's not shh don't say his name Lol) I sat there for about two minutes deciding if I should open it or not but I eventually slid my finger across the screen and they opened.

Elliot: Babe please she means nothing to me! Arrived at 10:30pm That was when I was talking with Lily when she caught me crying in my bunk.. Oh right I had my notifications off.

Elliot: Please answer I mean it it was only one time! well maybe like 5.. Arrived at 12:05am

Elliot: Oh fuck I did not mean to send that! It's not true it was only once! This text just arrived at 5:00am

Elliot: Hey, this is Taylor that last part 'well maybe like 5 times' was me Elliot went to the bathroom without sending the text and I made the last part. Oh and it's true by the way ;)

Elliot: Damn you Taylor! don't listen to her she's lying!

Me: Why the fuck would I listen to either of you! you've obviously cheated on me many time's so why the hell would I take you back you dirty rotten liar!

After I sent that text I couldn't hold in the tears anymore, they came flowing out like a waterfall I just sat there on the couch of the jet crying until I heard the laughter and chatter of the girl's and boy's so I ran into the bathroom and locked the door. I sat on the floor of the bathroom crying for about an hour after the jet took off Yeah I know that's not really safe but I'm really not in the mood to give a fuck right now. Hadley came to the bathroom door about 30 minutes ago after it took off when it was safe to get up but I told her I would come out when I wanted to and she left me alone knowing I needed some space.

I just really don't want to be here when I found out he was cheating I was just waiting to get home so I could mope around in my room for the next month or two but now since our retarded Management is making us be the opening act for the boy's we can't get out of it unless we quit the band and that is obviously not going to happen. While I was in here I just sat on the floor until I got up and washed my face so my red eyes wouldn't show up as much than after drying my face with a fluffy towel I opened the bathroom door and walked out and went to my seat.

I could feel someone's eyes on me and I looked in the direction it was coming from and I seen Lily eying me suspiciously but I just waved her off and looked out the window, I knew being in New York was going to be hell but I couldn't do anything about it, yeah it's not like I'm going to run into them.

Boy was I wrong..


Ooh what do you think is going to happen..? tell me in the comments and vote Sorry not a lot happened in the Chapter I'm trying to save the juicy stuff for later. Do you think Clemmy clue was a bit too rude to Hazza? once again tell me in the comments your feedback would really help me know that you gals or guys like my book's so please start commenting Okay this author's note is a bit too long It stops here.
Bye my carrot's I love you!

~Megan Xxx (;

Infinity || Harry Styles FanFic AU ||Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora