T h i r t y-O n e

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I hope you lovely Lil' carrots enjoy this chapter!


~2 Week Later~

// Clementine's POV //

I don't know what to do, everything about him I miss. I miss the way his dimples pop up like a jack in the box every single time he smiles, I miss the way he makes me feel when we kiss or simply hold hands. Hell, I miss him but I can't go back to him. If he ever wants me back he's going to have to prove that he won't do it again. But the truth is, I don't even know the whole truth behind it.

Like, why did he do it? Was he intoxicated, wasn't? I just wanna know. And I think I might get my answers, because out of nowhere my phone started blasting Irresistible. 

Don't try to make me stay,

 Or ask if I'm okay,

I don't have the answer.

Don't make me stay the night,

Or ask if I'm alright. I don't have the answer...

Heartache doesn't last forever, I'll say I'm fine

Midnight.. ain't no time for laughing,

when you say.. goodbye.

I slowly answered it and brought it to my ear. "Clem?.." I let out a shaky breath. It's now or never Clem, you have to talk to him. You need to know why he did what he did. Just let him talk.

"Okay.. let's just get this over with. I want to know why you did what you did. So you better get to talking." He sighed as I said that.

"Sure, but could we please Skype? I miss seeing your face," my heart leapt at this. Was I really going to look at him again after 2 years? I guess I am. "Yeah, sure why not" we hung up after that and I walked upstairs and grabbed my Mac Book off of my desk and sat on my bed.

And surely enough 5 seconds later Harry's face popped up signifying that he wanted to Skype video call. I clicked the green button, answering it, taking a deep breath when Harry's face popped up on the screen.

There was nothing but awkward silence between us as we stared at each other's faces. Well, that was until Harry broke it.

"Hi, Clem." my heart ached when he called me that. Especially since now I can see him. "Hi Harry," I said back to him and he nodded. 

"I've got a lot of explaining to do. Okay, you see, remember when your management called you about Penelope right?" I nodded and he continued. "Well, let's just say that they didn't like us together. You see, my management told me that we needed some more drama involving Clarry, so they thought up a way to make me 'cheat' on you. And I had no Idea about this. The day that you got that call I couldn't find my phone at all. One of the people in management had someone take it from me and put it. I don't exactly know where they put it but they made it sound like I was having sex with someone." He took a deep breath.

"But In reality, I wasn't, when I found out about it, it was already too late, you had already broken up with me when you didn't return any of my calls and text begging you to listen to me. But someway, somehow they found out about me texting you and they told me that I wasn't allowed to be texting your or calling you anymore. And also. during me and the boys' interview with TMZ, that's what I was listening to, them screaming at me for telling the world that I still am in love with you, and do you know what I would've said if there weren't any children in the audience? I would've told them to go fuck their selves." The end of his sentence made me crack up a little. So that was it? He didn't actually cheat on me? I need some proof.

"Harry, no offence but I need some proof, I need proof that you aren't just lying to me just to get me back." What I said was true. I've had a few boyfriends in high school cheat on me then make up some random lie to why they did it. And I'm not having my heart broken again.

He slightly smiled at me nodding. "Alright, wait here" I waited for about 2 minutes until he came back with the rest of One Direction trailing behind him. "Harry? What're you doing?" I asked and he held up a finger.

All of a sudden Hadley and the rest of the girls popped up as well as Lou Teasdale and her baby Lux. And at the count of 3 they started to each say separate words.

Niall: He.

Liam: Did. 

Louis: Not.

Zayn: Cheat.

Penelope: On.

Hadley: You.

Lily: So.

Layla: Please.

Lou: Forgive.

Lux: Him!

I started to tear up. So it's true. Management really did make up a huge lie to get us to break up. Those bastards! Oh how much I want to hug Harry right now. It wasn't long after that when they left to give me and Harry some privacy.

"Harry.. I'm sorry I didn't give you a chance to talk. I should've and we wouldn't be in this mess in the first place." I once again ruined everything. 

"No, no it wasn't or isn't your fault Clem, it was management the whole time. It's never been your fault, you were hurt, and I understand that." I nodded but I still couldn't help but blame myself. He was trying all along for the past 2 years we've been away from each other and I would just ignore him like the bitch that I was, or am. And now, now it's all good again. But for how long? How long would our happiness last? How long.


Hmmm I wonder? hehehehe. Well I hope you carrots enjoyed this chapter! I tried to make it extra long for you so I hope you don't mind how long it took me to get this updated! Bye! ~Megan (: x 

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