Dinner Plans

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(This chapter will be a bit jumpy just so you know, I apologize in advanced. I have no way of preventing it without making it multiple chapters and I don't want to do that to you guys.)


Grant sang to the song that was blasting through the speakers stationed through his house. In only his Jaws tshirt and a pair of boxer shorts he danced along the tiled floor. Suture happily danced with him from his shoulder, only stopping to nibble on the hem of Grant's shirt. "What's up babes? Not into my dancing?"

Suture squawked and puffed his feathers out as he happily played along. Grant smiled and swayed his hips to the beat of the song, "it's just me and you babes, everyone else is gone for the week." The lights of a passing car splashed the darkened walls with color adding to the partying vibe. He was alone, well besides Suture, and he loved it as he usually had someone to worry about judging or questioning him.

"Jenny, Jenny!" Grant sang as he moved through the house, Suture trying to mimic him. "Wanna sing babes? Come on sing!" Grant pushed the black bird with his head as he smirked. Suture, not missing the opportunity to make noise, chattered cheerfully as he pushed back. Grant smirked, he loved bonding time and it was obvious Suture was enjoying it just as much. His family had gone off for a weekend, or week Grant had no clue, trip leaving him to hold the fort down. However this fun came to an abrupt end when the doorbell swallowed the sound of the music for an abrupt second.

"Shit" Grant said looking down at his bare legs, how the hell was he supposed to answer the door like this? Suture wasn't giving him time to think though, swooping down from his shoulder he raced through the house to the front door yelling bloody murder. Deciding he had no choice Grant jogged to the front door, shutting of the speakers as he did.

"May I help you?" Grant questioned seeing a strange girl standing on his doorsteps. She was about 20 with curled up blond hair and a pampered face.

Pulling her rosy red lips into a smile she extended her hand, "hello, I'm Roseline."

Reaching out awkwardly as he attempted to keep the door between them he shook her soft hand, "Grant."

"I bet you are wondering why I am here" her breath was visible in the cold air, "especially at this hour."

"Very much so" Grant replied growing uneasy with the situation. What the hell did this lady want? Suture's throaty calls stopped as he perched across the room, watching.

"I'm the assistant of the Harries' and after hearing about the little scuffle the other day we wanted to extend our dearest apologies. In order to make amends, per say, the family would also like to invite you over for a formal dinner tomorrow night" she smiled brightly at him, her white skin around her cheeks scrunching up as she did, "both the twins and a large number of other people will be there as well in case you were worried about it being awkward."

The whole situation confused him, why are they sending an assistant to apologize to him at this time? He may have understood earlier, only cause they are rich, but at 9pm? Really? "Umm okay I guess on the apology part, but I'm not sure about dinner. I'm not really supposed to leave the house as I'm watching it."

Roseline smile never faltered, "if you wanted to you could contact your parents and get back to me."

"Are you sure?" Grant was taken back by this, "they are out for the week, would it be alright if I called them in the morning?"

Roseline quickly tapped through her phone as she checked God knows what, "well I was told that I was to get you come no matter what so both of those would be fine. Just make sure that you get back to us."

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