Three Patterns and a Dragon

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Ayako's POV

My first thought after laying eyes on them, this is so not going to end well. I couldn't understand how they'd suddenly found me. They shouldn't have even known I was alive.

Shimo, having noticed the people before us, jumped into a defensive position just in front of my legs. She arched her back and produced a short hiss before resting a little, still standing before me.

The woman looked at Shimo is amusement, a chuckle vibrating through her body. Glancing sideways I noticed Shikamaru and Shino getting ready for a fight, their body's changing to that of a battle stance. Even the Lord's guards had noticed the commotion, having already moved into a closer formation ground around his carriage.

"Behold, my Lord, we bring entertainment." The spotted man said, "Unfortunately you won't get to see it." He raised one hand out towards myself and my team, his other one reaching up to strove his short black beard. He was relatively young, probably no older than twenty five.

Having heard the man's words the lord opened his canopy curtains, curious to see what was happening. Suddenly the lord fell forward unconscious, the checked lady having moved impossibly fast. Her speed had caused a wind to ripple past me, blowing my fringe up and exposing my star like birth mark. I hastily moved to lower my hair, covering the mark back up.

All three of them had stopped looking around, their eyes focusing on me. I gulped back the little liquid still present in my mouth, my throat suddenly feeling dry.

Without warning Shimo grew, reverting back to her actual size. Her snow white fur continued to cover all of her body, excluding her black front paw on the left size. Her blue eyes grew along with her head and skull, matching up in size. Within two seconds a fully grown Shimo stood in front of me, her protective stance never wavering.

Creepily in sync all three people smiled, almost mockingly.

"It's been a while, little Ayako." The woman said, speaking out across the space between us.

"You know my name, mind telling me yours?" I asked, my hand slowly reaching down to the ninja pouch present on my leg.

"Where's the fun in that? No, I think we'd much prefer to have our names remain a secret." The stripped man said, the smile still present in his features.

"What do you want?" Shikamaru asked, attracting everyone's eyes. The guards behind us were getting restless, though several of them had raced to the lord's side where they tried to shake him awake.

"We want to tell you something, Ayako." The woman said again, addressing me.

"And what would that be?" I squinting a little at her, not believing anything any of them had to say would be good.

"Oh, just a little about your clan." She shrugged her shoulders, as if the information wasn't really relevant at all. My body became ridged with that one simple statement, my eyes going wide in disbelief.

"What?" The words came out of me as a hiss, barely stretching across the space in front of me. Shimo continued to arch her back, her lips drawn back and showing her teeth. I suddenly noticed a few small bugs flying about in the air before me, causing me to glance back to Shino, over my left. Like usual I couldn't quite determine his reasoning behind his action, his glasses and coat obscuring his facial features, but I guessed he was trying to be reassuring and prepared.

"Thought we'd let you know, there's a war coming, a big one. I think you ninjas call them 'Great Ninja Wars' or something equally pathetic and predictable." The stripped man sounded disgusted, a sneer spread across his face before he had to bring his self to look away. I heard Shimo growl from in front of me and I felt the urge to join her, outraged by their behaviour. "Anyway, you actually have a past that is relevant to us, for a change." The three laughed then, amused by the thought that what the stripped man had just said could be true.

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