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Dakota's POV

"Dakota, I'm going to the grocery store," mommy said, peeking her head in my room and blowing a kiss to me.

"Okay, see you later," I said, looking up from my stuffed animal lion and catching her kiss.  After she left, dad came in to see me.

"Hey baby girl," he smiled, sitting on the floor across from me.

"Hi daddy!" I said happily.  "Do you know what we are going to have for dinner?"

"Hmm, I don't know!  What would you like?" He asked, brown eyes sparkling.

I thought about it. "ICE CREAMM!!!"

Daddy laughed, "you only wish." 

Then we talked about what we looked forward to doing this summer, since his work was nearly over.  As we finished our long conversation, the phone began to ring.  "Be right back, sweetheart."  He kissed my forehead and walked out of my room.

After about five minutes, I started to get curious.  Where was daddy?  Creeping out of my room, I heard him talking in the living room.

"There must be some mistake, I- I don't understand," he said into the phone.

Daddy ran his fingers through his light brown hair, sweat nearly dripping to the floor beneath him.  He finally set down his cell phone after a few more murmurs into it.


He turned around, his eyes were overflowing with tears.  I ran over and hugged him.  "Are you okay?" I asked.

He attempted to wipe tears from his damp face.  "We h-have to g-go," dad replied almost in a state of shock, lightly holding my hand. He brought me to the car, strapping me into my car seat.  Then we sped off.

~ Fast Forward Two Months ~

Mom passed away exactly two months ago, a big tractor trailer had totally crushed her and the car she was in. 

"Dakota, I need to talk to you," dad said sadly, walking into my faded pink room.

I slowly got up from my place on my bed, and followed daddy into the living room.  I sat down on the couch next to him.  He took my tiny hands into his, squeezing them slightly while  he held back tears.  I could tell daddy's eyes had lost their sparkle, nothing has been the same since mom died.

"I'm so sorry," he said pausing.  "I-I can't take care of you any longer, it's expensive, and I want you to have the best life you possibly can.  You don't deserve to live here with a hermit like me, I need t-to p-put you... Up for adoption," he finished, speaking the last part quickly. 

I felt like I was hit by a truck.  Looking at our intertwined hands, I snatched mine away.  I peered back up at my dad, tears were rapidly streaming down his cheeks.

"It's okay, I understand," I said shakily.  I got up and walked to my room.  About an hour later daddy brought in a decent sized suitcase, and I packed all I could into it.  Along with a picture of my family, taken only a year ago.  We all looked so happy...

After I was done, I zipped up the case and brought it to the front door.  Daddy was already waiting by the door, typing something into his phone.  I had on white converse and a soft purple dress, mommy loved me in it.  Daddy took my suitcase outside to the car, and I slugged into my car seat.  I looked at my house for the last time, I've had all my happiest memories here.  Once daddy buckled me in, he began to drive for a long time.  When we had first left, the sun was high in the sky!  Now, it's pitch black outside.

Thinking about my past, I can tell adoption is the best choice for daddy and I.  We always fight a lot.  I've cried almost every single time we've fought, but he was never violent about it.  We just yelled back and forth.

Daddy stopped the car, and momentarily looked at me through the rear view mirror.  He got out, unbuckled me, and retrieved my suitcase from the trunk.  The orphanage looked... Okay I guess.  Daddy held out his hand for me to hold, but I denied it.  I didn't want to walk in the orphanage crying.

Daddy held the door open for me.  I walked in, everything was old, wooden, and hot.  I could tell air conditioning would be a luxury here.

A middle aged lady greeted us when we came in.

"Hello," she said nicely, wearing what seemed to be pajamas.  "Can I help you?"

"Uhm yes... I need to put my daughter up for adoption," daddy gulped.  The lady brought us into an office type room.  She handed daddy some papers to sign and other things, too.

"I'd like to thank you for bringing your beautiful little girl here, I can assure you she will be taken very good care of," the lady said to cut the silence.

Daddy nodded, "that's good to hear." He slid the papers back across the dusty desk to the lady.  She told us that it was time to say our goodbyes, and left us to do so.

Tears fled from daddy's eyes, and he held my face in his hands... I don't think I've ever seen a guy cry this much.  "Baby, I love you soo much.  If you ever need me, you know where to find me.  Chances are I won't be moving for a while," he smiled but frowned again.  He left kisses all over my face.  "When you get adopted, send me letters and stuff."  I nodded, and my eyes stared to get blurry.  I blinked, and tears fell to my feet.  Daddy tucked a strand of falling hair behind my ear.  "I love you, don't forget me."  I hugged him with the biggest bear hug I could ever give.  He had taught me a lot of things I probably couldn't receive from other people, and that's just one of the things I love about him.

"I love you, too.  Please come find me one day, I don't want to loose you," I cry-whispered.

Daddy cried harder, "baby you won't loose me, I promise."

We hugged for a few more minutes in silence, and then that was it.  Daddy's warm and protective body was taken away from me.  Right when his contact left, I wanted him to come back, maybe tell me that it was too much trouble to give me to some stranger.

The oldish lady, Ms. Marrel, brought me to the room I would be staying in until I was adopted.  She informed me that an "adoption day" would be held tomorrow, so she didn't want me to fully unpack.  I nodded my head in silence, then she left to go to bed, I'm pretty sure.  I could tell it was late.  I picked out my outfit for tomorrow, then got into some pajamas and into bed.  I didn't feel like brushing my teeth, so I dozed off into a deep sleep...

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